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Attachment 2B <br />4, <br />f <br />..- . _ .., <br />1 I t I ~ <br />. <br />i <br />, .' _ <br />~.: ADJACENT LAND USES_ r - <br />Consideration: Official land use. provides information on the actual or customary use of the community, However, The candidate site with the least potential <br /> zoned or planned land uses may not show how different parcels of land are actually used: The impact in terms of change in actual or <br />' zontnglplanningvse and actual use, and existing customary uses associated with a candidate site customary uses on adjacent properties (within <br /> should be examined. 500 feet of transfer station property boundary) <br /> will be ranked highest. <br />Definition: Potential impact upon a community's existing use of space (e.g., restriction of open space or <br /> outdoor uses, traffic volumes, or paBems that create Barriers to crossing of streets andlor <br /> neighborhood cdhnectivity) resulting from transfer station or infrastructure development. <br /> <br />-6ikelihe <br />,. <br />5:.pROXIMITYTOSGH00LSCHURCHES,ANDRECREATION~SITES. <br />Consideration; How near a facility is to parks, schools, churches, retirement centers, hospitals, or other public Carididatesitestyith street or roadway <br /> areas where people congregate can Be a concern' from the standpoint of both physical and connector accessthat least impact sensitive <br /> envitbnmental safety (vehicle exhausts, liquid; fugitive emissbns, and odor) from facility-related community areas wilibe ranked highest <br /> operations ortraftic..._ <br />Definition; Potential impact offacility-related traffic through "sensitive" community areas (e.g., schools andlor <br /> other public areas) including pedestrian safety, collection or transfer vehicle exhausts, fugitive <br /> emissions, and odor. , <br />Consider value of site to <br />community - "Lost <br />opportunity value." <br />Very'important criteria. <br />Attachment 26 <br />BOCC Work Session - 06/16lD8 <br />