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I The Contractor and the Surety, jointly and severally, 6 When the Claimant has satiiflitd° #44 66dit66 of <br /> bind themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators, Paragraph 4, the Surety shall Oitfttly Amid At Ahe <br /> successors and assigns to the Owner to pay for labor, Surety's expense take,the followlti fthl.. <br /> materials and ehtilp mentf6mish&for use in the perfor- <br /> mance of tNe`Constrilctiotl Contract, which is incorpo- the Owner, within 45 days copy <br /> rated herein by reference. y eff6 ,l`± € 6f.the claim, <br /> stating the amounts that are utidiso.6t end the basis <br /> 2 With respect to the Owner, this obligation shall be for challenging any amounts that'gt,;disputed, <br /> null and void if the Contractor: 6.2 Pay or arrange for paytneiif buy undisputed <br /> 2.1 Promptly makes payment,directly or indirectly, amounts, a <br /> for all sums due Claimants, and <br /> 7 The Surety's total -obl.'igatl6dj �t itceet!.tht <br /> 2.2 Defends, indemnities and holds harmless the amount of this Bond,and the amdiirit 6 Is�ohd shall be <br /> Owner from claims, demands, liens or suits by any credited for any payments made iti J filth by the Surety. <br /> rson or entity whose claim, demand, lien or suit is <br /> pe <br /> for the payment for labor,materials or equipment fur- 8 Amounts owed by the Owner th tft�r under <br /> nished for use in the performance of the Construction the Construction tdritPact shall EfiLs { tfor- <br /> the t act, provided the Owner has ar adored f anti a of the:Qonstwctlon CotittiGt it f+claims, <br /> promptly <br /> Surety Y Aditrr my Consttuctiriri ls tirid: By <br /> described In Paragraph 12) of any claims, demands, the Contractor furnishing and tht, Ifig this <br /> liens or suits and tendered defense of such claims, Bond,they agree that all funds eitfhM fiftliltinttattor <br /> demands, liens or ,cults to the Contractor and the in the performer e b the, Cdn�t i attar~ are <br /> 5ufety, and provlddd tlil)t f§ fio'0wner Default dedicated td"s itl§ *i 1lJifftti (l and ': <br /> the Surety under th s��ottd;stibj <br /> 3 With respect to Claimants, this obligation shall be ity to use the furidk fot the cot;60�itl ll _ W*6tk <br /> null and void if the CtrnttActor, romptly makes pay- ,� i.;,.� � <br /> meet, directly or lhdlfgtly> dr sl�sUms due. - <br /> ,+ y,. F ; 9 The Surety shall not be liable ja an{� <br /> f 4 The Surety shall have no obligation to Claimants or others for obllg M 1h Idt. <br /> under this Hoed until; ed to the Constructl6h Cdhtracf l <br /> liable for payment of any cc hllf- <br /> 4.1 Claimants who are employed by or have a direct ant under this Bond,and shall habli <br /> contract with the Contractor,have given notice to the gations to make payments,tor <br /> Surety(at the address described in Paragraph 12)and otherwise have obligatitins,tci <br /> sent a co g Q� t �, <br /> copy, or notice thereof, to the Owner, stating <br /> that a claim is being made under this Bond and, with 10 The Surety hereby waivE! fil _ <br /> substantial accuracy, the amount of the claim. including changes of time, to thi� � cflttrac � <br /> 4.2. Claimants who do not have a direct contract or to related subcontracts, fsUM a + ° afid th r <br /> obligations, I,.igr .„# <br /> with the Contractor:' g 6 . �#r k <br /> ,1 Have furnished written notice to the Con- 11 No suit or action shall bet r <br /> tractor and sent a copy .or notice thereof, to under this Bond oth' ' Aha'n,Ir <br /> the Owner, wlthl gays after having last diction iti the loCeti�i <br /> performed labor f last furnished materials or work is located tin'A4 tha e> f' f <br /> equipment included in the claim stating,with date(1)on which the Claimant i <br /> substantial accuracy,the amount of the claim Subparagtapli 41<ityl t: tt§e act w.. <br /> and the name of the party to whom the labor or service was j*rfotitietl; t� ; <br /> +k: _ materials were furnished or supplied or for rials or equipment Weise futtilf <br /> whom the labor was done or performed;and struction Contract,*hich <br /> 2 ' Nivithi'ter`" provisions of this paregr pp�,.ait, <br /> provisions(election in whole or the minimum period 6f 1 f9'iitti f�3 > <br /> in part flrom the Contractor,or not received defense in the)urlsdictitin of tli "I X l fl ll le; <br /> within 30 days of furnishing the above no " <br /> tice any communication from the Contractor ' <br /> by which the Contractor has indicated the shall ti mailed ar daisli ty� the tS�th�:tbntir6ttcsr <br /> 12 Notice to the Surer <br /> claim will be paid directly or indirectly; and eted to t� � <br /> 3 Not having eii paid signature page. Aetiial tecelpt 6 � t `Cdythe <br /> within the above 30 Owner or the Cotittlittot, how, N t ;shall <br /> days,have sent a written notice to the Surety be sufficient.corn�il rite as of 'atfthe <br /> (at the address described in Paragraph 12)and address showli M#Rtitm i <br /> sent a copy,it inbtice thereof, to the Owner, <br /> s stating that a tlalhi is being made under this 13 When this gond`t bi e ` . tit a <br /> Btihd and:entlosing 1x+copy of the previous statutory or other lefal M1 cite i� <br /> p written hititltd Itit�rriglye Eo the Contractor, the construct d ,w this <br /> Bored coiiflitting 4 <br /> {: S If a notit:6 required bV'1d4gfi 6h 4 is given by the shall be de6r» l l h <br /> Owhef tb th6 Coeittfictof the-Surety, that is suffi- forming to such statUt6ty 6fd li fiik's It <br /> cleat compliance. be deemed incorpo"rate"d hel ,h tt #ill r ' <br /> :. W �7'" >t=#+yam*r4 <br /> IA <br />"`3 <br />