Orange County NC Website
5. TRUCKANDTRAFFIGCOMPATIBILITY <br />Consideration: Transfer stations often receive surges of traffic when collection vehicles have fniShetl their routes. <br />Transfer station traffic varies locally'but tends to peak twice a day. The first peak'is often near the <br />middle of the day or shift, and the second at the end of the day or shift, Th"erefore the$est sites <br />for transfer stations are located away from areas that have midday traffic peaks and/or school bus <br />and pedestrian traffic. <br />Definition:- . Compatibility of projected transfer station Traffic volume and, vehicle types with existing traffic mix <br />and flow patterns in the immediate area of the site, <br />Site's with street or roadway connector <br />access that do not currently or are'not <br />projected inthe futureto exhibitsignificant <br />midday traffic peaks and school biis or <br />pedestrian traffic shall be ~ahked highest <br />Land use and development within one half <br />mile radius of proposed site will be used to <br />assess potential compatibility issues related <br />to connector streets and roads, <br />Truck and traffic compafibility -critical <br />consideration -particularly with respect <br />to the Eubanks Road area. <br />OUTBoard requests that the transfer <br />station not be sited on a priority bicycle <br />route. Additionally, the route to the <br />transfer station should minimize <br />proximity to any bicycle route and avoid <br />travel over a priority bicycle route, <br />6. ABILITYFOR-EXPANSION <br />Cons'itleration: When selectirig'a site; considerthepotential for subsequentincrease in`the daily tonnage of waste A site that is the most adaptable with <br />that the facility will be required to manage, or added processing capabilities for recycling and respect to expansion of the transfetbuilding <br />diversion, it is often less expensive to expand an existing transferstation than to develop a new with concurrent use of buffers, roadways, <br />site due to the ability to'use existing operations staff, utility connection; traffiocontrol systems, parking areas, scale facilities, and other <br />office space;' and buildings; required ife improvements will be ranked - <br />the highest <br />Definition:.. Adaptability of proposed transfer station site layout (transfer building and on•site roadways) to <br />accommodate future expansion or changes in waste Transfer and processing, <br />Page 3 <br />Attachment 1 B <br />Attachment 16 <br />BOCC Work Session - 06116/0$ <br /> <br />