Orange County NC Website
Contract#68-2004 <br /> Personalized Patient Home Assistance,Inc. <br /> pursue the same goal. The County's living wage hourly <br /> Advertising: The Contractor shall not use the award of standard, as adopted by the Orange County Board of <br /> this contract as a part of any news release or commercial County Commissioners annually, can be found in the <br /> advertising. Orange County Budget Ordinance. To the extent possible, <br /> Orange County recommends that the Contractor and all <br /> Orange County Living Wage: Orange County is subcontractors provide a living wage, as defined in this <br /> committed to providing its employees with a living wage section,to their employees. <br /> and encourages agencies to which it provides funding to <br /> General Terms and Conditions—(04/14) Page 5 of 5 <br />