2014-416 Animal Services - Town of Chapel Hill to Provide emergency after hour calls and protective services M-F from 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. $86,752
Board of County Commissioners
Contracts and Agreements
General Contracts and Agreements
2014-416 Animal Services - Town of Chapel Hill to Provide emergency after hour calls and protective services M-F from 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. $86,752
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Last modified
5/22/2017 3:35:21 PM
Creation date
8/28/2014 11:25:06 AM
Meeting Type
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Agenda Item
Manager signed
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R 2014-416 AS - Town of Chapel Hill to provide emergency after hour calls and protective services
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EXHIBIT A: <br /> GUIDELINES FOR EMERGENCY AFTER HOUR CALLS <br /> TO THE CONTRACT BETWEEN THE TOWN AND ORANGE COUNTY FOR THE <br /> PROVISION OF ANIMAL CONTROL SERVICES <br /> Regular service involves an Animal Control Officer (ACO) being stationed at the Animal <br /> Services Center Monday through Friday between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. This ACO has <br /> principal responsibility for enforcing the Town's animal control ordinance within the Town <br /> limits and responding to calls about stray animals and other such requests for animal services. <br /> Orange County Animal Control Officers will provide emergency services outside of regular <br /> business hours (from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m.), Monday through Friday, and 24-hours on Saturday, <br /> Sunday and holidays. These services include rabies exposures, dangerous animals, exigent <br /> animal cruelty and animals in immediate need of assistance. The Town will perform "triage" of <br /> after-hours service requests in accordance with guidelines jointly developed by Animal Services <br /> and the Chapel Hill Police Department. <br /> PROCEDURES FOR ORANGE COUNTY AND TOWN RESPONSE TO EMERGENCY <br /> AFTER-HOURS ANIMAL CALLS <br /> 1. Injured Deer — A CHPD officer will respond to locate and euthanize. If the deer is a <br /> slightly injured fawn, the CHPD officer may consult with a rehabber such as CLAW's <br /> Inc. to make arrangements for its removal. The on-call ACO will assist with this <br /> coordination as needed. <br /> 2. Owned Injured Animals —A CHPD officer will respond or otherwise instruct the owner <br /> to take the animal to their veterinarian or the after-hours emergency veterinary clinic to <br /> be cared for or euthanized. <br /> 3. Neglect/Cruelty Situations — A CHPD Officer will respond and make an assessment. If <br /> the situation is severe, they will contact the on-call ACO for assistance. If it is not <br /> severe, they shall document in an incident report. The report will be sent to the Animal <br /> Services Center the next business day for investigation. <br /> 4. Strays —A CHPD Officer will respond or otherwise instruct the caller to take the animal <br /> to the Animal Services Center and leave in the Drop Box. <br /> 5. Aggressive Dogs — A CHPD Officer will respond to assess and confirm the presence of <br /> the reported animal. If the owner cannot be located to secure the dog, the on-call ACO <br /> shall be contacted to assist in capturing the dog. <br /> 6. The on-call ACO will respond to any call(s) related to: Rabies Exposures; Bites to <br /> Humans; Injured Strays. <br /> 7. The on-call ACO will not respond to the following calls: nuisance wildlife; and injured <br /> or orphaned wildlife. Unless there is an immediate issue of public safety, the on-call <br /> ACO will not respond to calls about snakes. If these calls make their way through <br /> Communications, members of the public are to be referred to the Animal Services <br /> webpage or asked to call Animal Services during regular business hours for appropriate <br /> referral. <br />
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