Orange County NC Website
4 <br /> ARTICLE I GENERAL PROVISIONS <br /> Sec. 1. 1 Long Title and Authority <br /> An ordinance providing for the control of oil and other <br /> hazardous substances as well as to provide for the removal and <br /> abatement of any discharge of oil and other hazardous substances on <br /> the land or in waters of Orange County, adopted pursuant to the <br /> authority of Article 21A of Chapter 143 and Article 6 of Chapter <br /> 153A of the North Carolina General Statute. <br /> Sec. 1.2 Short Title <br /> This Ordinance may be referred to as the "Orange County Oil <br /> Pollution and Hazardous Substances Control Ordinance. " <br /> Sec. 1.3 Intent and Purpose <br /> It is the purpose of this article to promote the health, <br /> safety, and welfare of the citizens of Orange County by protecting <br /> the land and the waters over which this County has jurisdiction <br /> from pollution by oil, oil products, oil by-products, and other <br /> hazardous substances. It is not the intention of this Ordinance to <br /> exercise jurisdiction over any matter as to which the United States <br /> government or the State of North Carolina, has exclusive <br /> jurisdiction, nor in any wise contrary to any governing provision <br /> of federal or state law, and no provision of this Ordinance shall <br /> be so construed. Orange County further declares that it is the <br /> intent of this Ordinance to support and compliment applicable <br /> provisions of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, 33 U.S.C. SS <br /> 1251 et seq. , as amended, the National Contingency Plan for removal <br /> 1 <br />