Orange County NC Website
13 <br /> environment or natural resources shall be used for such purposes <br /> unless they shall have been previously approved by the North <br /> Carolina Environmental Management Commission. The owner of an <br /> underground storage tank who is the owner of the tank only because <br /> he is the owner of the land on which the underground storage tank <br /> is located, who did not know or have reason to know that the <br /> underground storage tank was located on his property, and who did <br /> not become the owner of the land as the result of a transfer or <br /> transfers to avoid liability for the underground storage tank shall <br /> not be deemed to be responsible for a release or discharge from the <br /> underground storage tank. <br /> (b) Removal by County - Notwithstanding the requirements of <br /> subsection (a) of this Section, the County is authorized and <br /> empowered to utilize any staff, equipment, and materials under its <br /> control or supplied by any other cooperating Federal, State or <br /> local agencies and to contract with any agent or contractor that <br /> it deems appropriate to take such actions as are necessary to <br /> collect, investigate, perform surveillance over, remove, contain, <br /> treat or disperse oil or other hazardous substances discharged onto <br /> the land or into the waters of the County and to perform the <br /> necessary restoration. The Director of Emergency Management shall <br /> keep a record of all expenses incurred in carrying out any project <br /> or activity authorized under this section, including actual <br /> expenses incurred for services performed by the County's personnel <br /> and for use of the County's equipment and material. The authority <br /> granted by this subsection shall be limited to projects and <br /> 10 <br />