Orange County NC Website
12 <br /> a. An act of God. <br /> b. An act of war or sabotage. <br /> C. Negligence on the part of the United <br /> States government or the State of North <br /> Carolina or its political subdivisions including Orange <br /> County. <br /> d. An act or omission of a third party, <br /> whether any such act or omission was or was not <br /> negligent. <br /> e. Any act or omission by or at the <br /> direction of a law-enforcement officer or <br /> fireman. <br /> (c) Permits - Any person who desires or proposes to discharge <br /> oil or other hazardous substances onto the land or into the waters <br /> of this County shall first make application for and secure the <br /> permit required by N. C. Gen. Stat. S 143-215. 1, as amended. <br /> Sec. 4.2 Removal of Prohibited Discharges <br /> (a) Person Discharging - Any person having control over oil or <br /> other hazardous substances discharged in violation of this <br /> Ordinance shall immediately undertake to collect and remove the <br /> discharge and to restore the area affected by the discharge as <br /> nearly as may be to the condition existing prior to the discharge. <br /> If it is not feasible to collect and remove the discharge, the <br /> person responsible shall take all practicable actions to contain, <br /> treat and disperse the discharge; but no chemicals or other <br /> dispersant or treatment materials which will be detrimental to the <br /> 9 <br />