Orange County NC Website
3 <br /> $153, 000 of the necessary $400, 000 in matching funds has <br /> already been raised ($100, 000 from the NC Housing Finance <br /> Agency, $40, 000 in county CIP funds, and $13,000 in <br /> donations) . <br /> Projected operating costs for the first 3 years are <br /> $1,522, 112 . <br /> $432, 000 (75%) would come from HUD for the first year, <br /> $450, 848 (75%) would come from HUD for the second year, and <br /> $415, 401 (50%) would come from HUD for the third year. <br /> RECOMMENDATION(S) : The Manager recommends that the Board <br /> receive the report and the attached addenda as information. <br /> Addendum I is a copy of pages 27-29 of the Application for <br /> Federal Assistance submitted by IFC to HUD in August, which <br /> describes the site options identified by the Task Force for <br /> locating the Transitional Housing. Addendum II contains a <br /> map of the Green Tract, the property owned by the towns of <br /> Chapel Hill and Carrboro and Orange County, another potential <br /> site for this housing. The narrative describes the current <br /> status of this site's zoning and the preliminary uses as <br /> reported by the Northwest Small Area Planning Work Group to <br /> the Chapel Hill Town Council on January 23 . The second page <br /> of the addendum:depicts the conceptual/and use plan <br /> (including the Green Tract) for this Northwest area. <br /> From the perspective of meeting the 60-day limit <br /> established by HUD for Site Control, the county's property on <br /> Homestead Road is the most viable choice. While a Special <br /> Use Application and Permitting Process would still be <br /> required of the IFC/Task Force, the property is already <br /> appropriately zoned. As the BOCC deliberates upon this <br /> report and request, the Manager recommends the following: <br /> (1) that any conveyance of county property be by long-term <br /> lease and for the specific purpose of transitional family <br /> housing; (2) a preliminary long-range plan for generating the <br /> revenue required of the projected 1.5 million operating <br /> expenditures beyond FY 1997-1998 be provided to the BOCC. <br />