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1 <br /> 1 <br /> ORANGE COUNTY <br /> BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br /> Action Agenda <br /> Item No U-A <br /> ACTION AGENDA ITEM ABSTRACT <br /> Meeting Date: February 6, 1995 <br /> SUBJECT: Rescue Squad Grant Matching Funds <br /> ----------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> DEPARTMENT Emergency Management PUBLIC HEARING YES NO x <br /> -------------------------------- ------------------------------- <br /> ATTACHMENT(S) INFORMATION CONTACT <br /> 12/27/94 Letter from OCRS Nick Waters, ext 3030 <br /> 9/29/94 Staff Report TELEPHONE NUMBER <br /> Hillsborough 732-8181 <br /> Chapel Hill 968-4501 <br /> Mebane 227-2031 <br /> Durham 688-7331 <br /> ----------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> PURPOSE: To consider a request from the Orange County Rescue Squad <br /> (OCRS) and South Orange Rescue Squad (SORS) to provide matching funds <br /> for rescue equipment grants approved by the Department of Insurance. <br /> BACKGROUND: Last Spring, in response to a SORS proposal to consider <br /> a rescue service district tax, the Board of Commissioners asked staff <br /> to conduct an analysis of rescue service delivery needs and options in <br /> Orange County. Over the summer, County staff, rescue squad <br /> representatives, and members of other interested emergency response <br /> agencies conducted a series of meetings to discuss those topics. This <br /> group reviewed historical levels of rescue service and incidence of <br /> rescue calls, desired levels of service, and options for providing <br /> rescue service. The group reached general agreement that rescue <br /> service delivery should be viewed from a Countywide perspective. <br /> At the October 5, 1994 meeting, the Board of Commissioners received the <br /> attached staff report outlining plans for the provision of Countywide <br /> rescue service. The key point of the plan was agreement that OCRS <br /> would provide heavy rescue coverage throughout the County, SORS would <br /> provide technical rescue (e.g. high angle/low angle, confined space, <br /> swift water) throughout the County, and the rescue squads and fire <br /> departments would work to provide light vehicle extrication throughout <br /> the County. <br /> The staff report indicated that work remained to be done on the <br /> question of funding, and also included a recommendation that the County <br /> consider providing matching funds -should one or both squads receive <br /> 1995 State grant funds for rescue equipment. Following unsuccessful <br /> grant requests the past two years, OCRS has received a $14,910 grant, <br /> and SORS has received a $14,750 grant. State grant funding must <br /> be matched dollar for dollar with local funding. Staff recommends that <br /> the Board approve an appropriation of $30,000 from County Capital <br /> Project Fund Balance. $10,000 would be designated for OCRS, and <br /> $10,000 for SORS, with both squads providing the remaining matching <br /> funds from their other local revenue sources. The remaining $10,000 <br /> would be used for high priority rescue equipment/training to support <br /> the "centralized resource" concept outlined in the September 1994 staff <br /> report. <br />