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t <br /> 1 <br /> ORANGE COUNTY <br /> BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br /> Action Agenda <br /> Item No. SSA-D <br /> ACTION AGENDA ITEM ABSTRACT <br /> Meeting Date:January 17, 1995 <br /> SUBJECT: Exercise of Option to Renew Lease at Chapel Hill Senior Center <br /> DEPARTMENT:PURCHASING AND CENTRAL SERVICES PUBLIC HEARING:YES: NO: x <br /> ATTACHMENT(S): INFORMATION CONTACT: <br /> PAM JONES, ext.2650 or <br /> Lease renewal Jerry Passmore,ext.2000 <br /> Telephone Number- <br /> Hillsborough 732-8181 <br /> Chapel Hill 967-9251 <br /> Mebane 227-2031 <br /> Durham 688-7331 <br /> PURPOSE: To consider exercising the option to renew the lease for the Chapel Hill Senior Center on <br /> Elliott Road,Chapel Hill. <br /> BACKGROUND: In 1991 the Commissioner's approved a lease with Elliott Center Investors in which to <br /> locate the Chapel Hill Senior Center.The Center represented a creative mix of County and private funding, <br /> since the Friends of the Chapel Hill Senior Center were to be responsible for a portion of the lease costs <br /> (1995 cost:$27,180) , upfit costs(approximately$200,000 to date) and operating costs(such as,but not <br /> limited to,utilities and cleaning services). <br /> The leased premises includes approximately 9,000 square feet on a lower level and approximately 2,200 <br /> square feet of unfinished space on a mezzanine level over the rear portion of the Center. The Friends are <br /> prepared to proceed with the upfit of the mezzanine in order to allow offices to be relocated,thereby freeing <br /> up space on the lower floor to accommodate program growth. The Friends anticipate that the mezzanine <br /> upfit will cost approximately$32,000. <br /> Since there is less than 18 months left on the existing lease,the Friends have requested that the County <br /> exercise their option to renew the lease prior to the Friends investment of time and money on the <br /> mezzanine upfit. The lease approved by the Board in 1991 specifies that the County shall have the option <br /> to renew the lease for one additional five-year period under the same terms and conditions,except that the <br /> rent schedule shall be modified to reflect a 5%per year increase from the basic rent amount for lease year <br /> five. Under those temps the lease amounts for July 1, 1996 through June 30,2001 would be as follows: <br /> July 1, 1996 July 1,1997 July 1, 1998 July 1, 1999 July 1,2000 <br /> County share $62,471 $65,595 $68,875 $72,319 $75,935 <br /> Friends share $30,008 $31,508 $33,083 $34,737 $36,474 <br /> Totals $92,479 $97,104 $101,959 $107,057 $112,410 <br />