Orange County NC Website
Orange County Contract Page 2 <br /> Further details on reimbursement,administration of grant funds,audit requirements,and financial <br /> documentation is found in the Grantee Handbook for Federal Preservation Fund Grant Proiects, <br /> which is incorporated by reference. <br /> D. PERSONAL INCOME AND SELF-EMPLOYMENT TAX RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE <br /> CONSULTANT: <br /> It is understood that the Consultant is being employed as a professional and is an independent <br /> contractor, and that payment for services constitutes a fee which excludes all employment taxes <br /> and related benefits.The Grantee will be responsible for filing appropriate IRS income statements <br /> (FORM 1099) for the Consultant. <br /> E. TERMINATION OF CONTRACT <br /> Termination by Grantee of Consultant's Contract for Cause. If the Consultant fails to <br /> fulfill in a timely and proper manner his/her obligations under this contract, or if the Consultant <br /> violates any of the stipulations of this contract,the Grantee,in consultation with the Division,shall <br /> have the right to terminate the contract for cause by giving written notice to the Contractor <br /> specifying the reasons for and effective date of termination. In such event, the Consultant shall <br /> cease work immediately upon receipt of such notice. The Consultant shall be entitled to receive <br /> just and equitable compensation for any satisfactory work completed prior to termination. <br /> Enforcement Remedies by Division for Contractor Nonperformance. If the Consultant <br /> fails to fulfill in a timely and proper manner,his or her obligation under this contract, or violates <br /> any of the stipulations of this contract, the Division may enforce the remedies for grantee or <br /> subgrantee compliance pursuant to section 43 of the Code of Federal Regulations (43 CFR 12.43, <br /> 12.44), incorporated by reference in this contract. <br /> F. CHANGES IN PROJECT DESCRIPTION/CONTRACT <br /> Only minor changes may be made in the scope or budget without the approval of the Division. <br /> Minor changes are those changes that involve 5%or less of the project cost and that: do not alter <br /> the basic scope of the project; do not substitute unapproved materials or methods; do not add or <br /> delete work items. <br /> Major changes made without prior Division approval are not allowed. As the costs of such <br /> unapproved changes may be disallowed or as entire grant allocation of the project may be canceled, <br /> it is important to request and receive in writing necessary approvals before changes are made. <br /> The Grantee should contact grants administrator Lloyd Childers by telephone if any changes are <br /> anticipated. If the change is minor, the grants administrator will advise the Grantee to proceed <br /> and to describe the change in the final financial report. If the change is major, the Grantee will <br /> be required to use the procedure outline in the Grantee Handbook for Federal Historic <br /> Preservation Fund Grant Proiects. <br /> G. NONDISCRIMINATION ASSURANCES: <br /> In consideration of the signing of this Contract for the performance of work and furnishing of labor <br /> and materials as set forth herein, the parties hereto for themselves, their agents, officials, and <br /> employees or servants agree not to discriminate in any manner on the basis of age,handicap, sex, <br /> race,color,creed,sexual orientation,or national origin with reference to the subject matter of this <br /> Contract,no matter how remote. This provision is hereby incorporated into this Contract for the <br /> benefit of the Grantee and may be enforced by action for specific performance, injunctive relief, <br /> or other remedy as by law provided. <br />