Agenda - 01-17-1995 - X-B
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 01-17-95
Agenda - 01-17-1995 - X-B
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12/9/2016 1:39:03 PM
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8/26/2014 10:34:52 AM
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i <br /> 12 <br /> AIV -. .` <br /> The environmental, social, economic, and engineering The planning process is currently in the fourth of six <br /> impacts vary with each alternate. The following is a phases as indicated by the chart below. <br /> brief summary of the more substantial impacts associated <br /> with the three build alternates. More detailed PHASE I <br /> information on impacts is contained in the DEIS. Data Collection <br /> ist Citizens Informational Workshop <br /> Alternate 1 is the longest at 19.7 miles and most Inventory of Planning Issues <br /> g Document Community Concerns <br /> expensive at $143.9 million. Alternate 2 is the shortest Transportation Needs Study <br /> at 17.8 miles and would cost $126.4 million. PHASE 2 <br /> Alternate 3 is 18.7 miles long and is the least costly at Alternatives Identification <br /> $126.2 million. Initial Feld Studies <br /> Corridor Refinement <br /> 2nd.Citizens Informational.Workshop <br /> Relocations will be required for each of the alternates. selection of Corridors for Detailed Study <br /> Alternate 1 would require the relocation of 86 families, . PHASE 3 <br /> 15 businesses, and four non-profit organizations. Of Engineering Studies <br /> these relocations' 25 minority amilies would be Detailed.Field Studies <br /> Y Environmental Analysis <br /> impacted. Alternate 2 would require the relocation of Technical Reports <br /> 100 families, 26 businesses, and two non-profit PHASE 4 <br /> organizations. Minority family relocations would be 41, Draft Environmental Impact Statement(DEIS) <br /> minority businesses would be seven, and one minority Pre-Hearing.Open House/Workshop <br /> non-profit organization relocation would be required. PEE Corridor Public Hearing <br /> Alternate 3 would require relocation of 95 families, eight PHASE"5 <br /> businesses, and two non-profit organizations. Minority Review the DEIS <br /> relocations include 35 families, two businesses, and one Review Public Hearing Transcript <br /> Selection of Preferred Alternative <br /> non-profit organization. PHASE 6' <br /> Final Environmental'Impact.Statement(FEIS) <br /> In addition to relocations, right of way will need to be Record of Decision <br /> acquired for the roadway. Alternate 1 would affect 443 <br /> parcels of land with 558 acres- of new right of way. <br /> Alternate 2 would affect 539 parcels, but with less right The remainder of PHASE 4 includes the Pre-Hearing <br /> of way at 475 acres. Alternate 3 would affect 503 Workshops and the Public Hearing for the project. <br /> parcels and 505 acres of right of way. More detailed information on the workshops and hearing <br /> is available on the back of this newsletter. <br /> Wetlands will be impacted by the project. Alternate 1 <br /> will affect the greatest amount of wetlands at 15.9 acres. During PHASE 5, NCDOT will review the written <br /> Alternate 3 has least impact on wetlands at 9.7 acres. comments on the DEIS from citizens, public officials, <br /> Alternate 2 would impact 11.2 acres of wetlands. governmental review agencies, Citizens Advisory <br /> Committee members, Steering Committee members, <br /> Floodplains along existing streams and creeks will also neighborhood groups, and civic organizations. The <br /> be affected. Alternates I and 2 would impact 25.5. and official transcript from the Public Hearing also will be <br /> 24.5 acres of floodplain, respectively. Alternate 3 part of the review during this portion of the study. <br /> would impact 19.1 acres of floodplain. Based on these comments and the information contained <br /> in the DEIS, NCDOT will select a Preferred Alternative <br /> Noise levels would be altered in the vicinity of the in the spring of 1995. If this alternative involves new <br /> alternates. The most receptors adversely affected by roadway construction, NCDOT will select a corridor for <br /> noise increases would occur along Alternate 2 at 283. the road. The selected corridor may be a combination <br /> Alternates I and 3 would impact about the same number of segments from the alternates evaluated in the DEIS. <br /> of receptors at 189 and 190, respectively. <br /> The last phase of the study includes the production of the <br /> Parks would also be impacted by the alternates with Final Environmental Impact Statement and the Record of <br /> Alternate 1 affecting the most parkland at 5.3 acres. Decision for the Preferred Alternative. PHASE 6 will <br /> Alternates 2 and 3 would impact 0.4 and 0.9 acres of be completed towards the end of 1995. <br /> parkland, respectively. <br />
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