Agenda - 06-03-2008-6c
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 06-03-2008
Agenda - 06-03-2008-6c
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Last modified
8/29/2008 7:37:09 PM
Creation date
8/28/2008 9:18:40 AM
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6 <br />31 <br />1 74. Develop new logo and county image. <br />2 78. Develop uniform contracting and grant processes including monitoring. <br />3 86. Educate citizens and legislative representatives on tax issues and impacts. <br />4 91. Encourage the involvement of more citizens on county advisory boards. <br />5 92. Ensure all commissioners are informed of county business in a timely. manner and that no <br />6 significant county business is conducted by some commissioners without the knowledge of <br />7 all commissioners. <br />8 94. Ensure public participation and transparency in Orange County government for all <br />9 residents. <br />10 95. Ensure that all meetings have a timely published meeting notice and summaries, including <br />11 all meetings involving some commissioners when County staff is involved. <br />12 96. Ensure that all residents are treated equitably and fairly. <br />13 100. Ensure that, when additional commissioner meetings are scheduled, all commissioners <br />14 have an equal opportunity to be able to attend. <br />15 103. Establish a model or models for partnership with municipalities and other entities in <br />16 developing and operating parks and providing recreation services. <br />17 109. Evaluate the public value provided by boards, commissions, task forces and workgroups to <br />18 identify opportunities for reducing staff time and resources required. <br />19 110. Examine ways to increase operational efficiencies of advisory committees without <br />20 compromising citizen access to government. <br />21 111. Examine what Orange County will look like twenty years from now. <br />22 117. Explore ways of making the most effective and efficient use of resources through an <br />23 enterprise or other alternative budgeting approach. <br />24 124. Get citizens more engaged in county activities and initiatives. <br />"25 125. Get UNC to become a signatory to the Interlocal Agreement for Solid Waste Management. <br />26 126. Greene Tract decision points. <br />27 131. Identify core county functions. <br />28 134. Identify where State legislature may be headed with counties and roads. <br />29 139. Improve countywide coordination of information shared with the public (to avoid potential <br />30 conflicting messages from individual departments). <br />31 143. Improve the public's understanding of the multitude of county services provided by their tax <br />32 dollars through a common look and feel, e.g., web and printed materials, "branding." <br />33 150. Increase residents' access to and awareness of county services. <br />34 158. Institute public information program. <br />35 160. Keep residents better apprised of county government activities and solicit their feedback. <br />36 161. Lessen the tax burden on homeowners. <br />37 178. New role for HSAC in outside agency allocations. <br />38 180. Partner with municipalities, the region, and the state to address climate change concerns <br />39 at the local level. <br />40 181. Partner with other governments and organizations to create environmental educational <br />41 facilities and programs for all ages. <br />42 182. Partner with the Town of Hillsborough to establish a wireless network to help promote <br />43 economic development in downtown Hillsborough -the county could provide wireless from <br />44 county-owned buildings in downtown and technical assistance. <br />45 187. Prepare for new BOCC members <br />46 188. Promote a tax system that recognizes the unique challenges of persons who are not <br />47 wealthy but own property. <br />48 190. Promote a budget process which fairly balances and evaluates competing needs. <br />49 191. Promote balanced and open decision making that helps identify possible unintended <br />50 consequences. <br />51 193. Promote efficient and effective county government. <br />
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