Orange County NC Website
~J <br />Goal 4 <br />INVEST IN QUALITY COUNTY FACILITIES, A DIVERSE WORK FORCE, AND <br />TECHNOLOGY TO ACHIEVE A HIGHPERFORMING COUNTY GOVERNMENT <br />Initiative A: Invest in quality county facilities, equipment and infrastructure <br />Initiative B: Invest in and develop a quality organization and work force <br />Initiative C: Invest in information technology to help provide quality services, information and <br />communications <br />Goal 5 <br />CREATE, PRESERVE, AND PROTECT A NATURAL ENVIRONMENT THAT INCLUDES <br />CLEAN WATER, CLEAN AIR, WILDLIFE, IMPORTANT NATURAL LANDS AND <br />SUSTAINABLE ENERGY FOR PRESENT AND FUTURE GENERATIONS <br />Initiative A: Promote a sustainable community <br />Initiative B: Reduce solid waste generation and impact, increase recycling and improve solid <br />waste handling and disposal <br />Initiative C: Promote energy conservation and alternative fuels <br />Initiative D: Conserve and protect natural and cultural resources <br />Initiative E: Reduce greenhouse emissions and other negative impacts on climate <br />Goal 6 <br />ENSURE A HIGH QUALITY OF LIFE AND LIFELONG LEARNING THAT CHAMPIONS <br />DIVERSITY, EDUCATION AT ALL LEVELS, LIBRARIES, PARKS, RECREATION, AND <br />ANIMAL WELFARE <br />Initiative A: Promote and support education and lifelong learning <br />Initiative B: Promote responsible pet ownership and care <br />Initiative C: Promote and support sustainable parks, recreation facilities and activities, and <br />community education programs <br />