Orange County NC Website
I <br />a~ <br />BOCC GOALS AND Il~TITIATIVES <br />Developed February 2008 <br />Approved <br />Goal 1 <br />ENSURE A COMMUNITY NETWORK OF BASIC HUMAN SERVICES THAT <br />MAINTAINS, PROTECTS AND PROMOTES THE WELL-BEING OF ALL COUNTY <br />RESIDENTS <br />Initiative A: Improve residents' standard of living and quality of life <br />Initiative B: Protect and safeguard the public <br />Initiative D: Serve and support residents in need <br />Initiative E: Promote and improve public health <br />Goal 2 <br />PROMOTE AN INTERACTIVE AND TRANSPARENT SYSTEM OF GOVERNANCE THAT <br />REFLECTS COMMUNITY VALUES <br />Initiative A: Improve infra- and intergovernmental coordination, cooperation, and <br />collaboration <br />Initiative B: Respond to and balance demands for fairness, efficiency, and equity <br />Initiative C: Continue to make county government accessible, understandable, and transparent <br />Initiative D: Inform, engage and educate elected officials and the public <br />Goal 3 <br />IMPLEMENT PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT POLICIES WHICH <br />CREATE A BALANCED, DYNAMIC LOCAL ECONOMY THAT PROMOTES DIVERSITY, <br />SUSTAINABLE GROWTH AND ENHANCED REVENUE WHILE EMBRACING <br />COMMUNITY VALUES <br />Initiative A: Develop and implement a comprehensive economic development policy to <br />adequately address county revenue needs and allocate costs and benefits <br />appropriately <br />Initiative B: Help support, develop, and regulate local economic activity <br />Initiative C.• Create and implement land use, infrastructure, and natural resource policies to <br />support sustainable growth and development <br />