Orange County NC Website
~~ <br />178. New role for HSAC in outside agency allocations. <br />179.Open the Durham Tech Community College satellite campus. <br />180. Partner with municipalities, the region, and the state to address climate change <br />concerns at the local level. <br />181. Partner with other governments and organizations to create environmental educational <br />facilities and programs for all ages. <br />182. Partner with the Town of Hillsborough to establish a wireless network to help promote <br />economic development in downtown Hillsborough -the county could provide wireless <br />from county-owned buildings in downtown and technical assistance. <br />183. Pending IFC men's shelter relocation <br />184. PIMS <br />185. Plan for the secondary development pressures associated with Carolina North. <br />186. Prepare for expanding storm water rules countywide in response to water and drought <br />conditions. <br />187. Prepare for new. BOCC members <br />188. Promote a tax system that recognizes the unique challenges of persons who are not <br />wealthy but own property. <br />189. Promote a transportation system that serves all parts of the community and helps <br />residents get to jobs, schools, health facilities and other important destinations. <br />190. Promote a budget process which fairly balances and evaluates competing needs. <br />191. Promote balanced and open decision making that helps identify possible unintended <br />consequences. <br />192. Promote communities and families where children can live free of abuse, neglect or <br />.fear. <br />193. Promote efficient and effective county government. <br />194. Promote Green Building techniques through public educational programs and building <br />code enhancements. <br />195. Promote healthy lifestyles for Orange County residents. <br />196. Promote sufficiently diverse tax revenue sources while upholding development <br />principles. <br />197. Promote the provision of excellent school facilities for both school districts, for both new <br />and existing schools. <br />198. Provide core public health services to refugee populations - 105 since July 1, 2007 and <br />an additional 200+~projected for nexf year. <br />199. Provide more web-based services to enhance customer service. <br />200. Provide services in a way that does not increase the digital divide. <br />201. Pursue open space connectivity and "critical mass." <br />202. Reduce county data security risks through gaps in the firewall to the Intranet. <br />203. Reduce county government's emission of green house gases by 25% from 2006 levels <br />by 2020. <br />204. Reduce greenhouse gas emissions within Orange County. <br />205. Reduce littering and illegal dumping. <br />206. Reduce stress and confusion on staff of receiving work requests from multiple <br />management directions. <br />207. Reengagement of the Fire/Rescue Study. <br />208. Refocus and realign IT committee with former cable interests, in association with EDC, <br />to modernize technology assessment, planning, and advocacy. <br />209. Reinitiate Strategic Growth/Resource Conservation (SGRC) aka TDR implementation <br />after Comprehensive Plan Phase II public hearing. <br />7 <br />