Orange County NC Website
a~ <br />147. Increase departmental ability to carry out HR-related functions. <br />148. Increase growth opportunities for all citizens. <br />149. Increase oversight and communication of departments by ACM. <br />150. Increase residents' access to and awareness of county services. <br />151. Increase use of mobile~technology (laptops, pdas, etc.) by county staff to achieve <br />efficiencies. <br />152. Increase use of technology for records retention, filing, agendas and payroll. <br />153. Increase visibility of the Arts Commission and encourage economic development of the <br />creative industry in Orange County (e.g., locate office in downtown community gallery <br />space, art in window, etc.) <br />154. Increased call for child care subsidies. <br />155. Increasing pressure from parents and schools to provide health services in school <br />settings. <br />156. Initiate Smart Growth Low Impact Design, xeriscaping, and CPTED planning <br />amendments. <br />157. Install automatic light switches in all county buildings to reduce energy consumption. <br />158. Institute public information program. <br />159. Investigate statistics on poverty rates, with goal of coordinating services to address <br />problems identified. <br />160. Keep residents better apprised of county government activities and solicit their <br />feedback. <br />161. Lessen the tax burden on homeowners. <br />162. Library service standards. <br />163. Link economic development, environmental protection, and affordable housing. <br />164. Local school districts discussion of pre-K programs. <br />165. Maintain a fair, equitable and competitive pay system. <br />166. Maintain a good school system with diminishing revenues. <br />167. Maintain a high level of customer service that is attentive and responsive to the needs <br />of employees, departments and the public. <br />168. Maintain an employee benefits program that meets the needs of employees and is <br />competitive with other local governments and employers. <br />169. Maintain county buildings, facilities, and major operating systems to realize their <br />expected life and functionality and provide cost-effective maintenance to ensure that <br />county buildings, grounds and facilities provide attractive settings and a clean and <br />comfortable environment for employees and the public. <br />170. Make better use of Orange. County retirees and un-retirees in helping to improve the <br />quality of life for all citizens. <br />171. Make sure that everyone, but especially lower income families, has access to training <br />and opportunities to advance to higher paying jobs. <br />172. Meet critical space needs for Health and Social Services <br />173. Meet demand for more information about energy matters such as conservation, green <br />building, alternative energy, and transportation. <br />174. Mitigate poverty by supporting efforts to secure health insurance, child care subsidies, <br />transportation, food, housing and other essentials for low income families. <br />175. Modernize solid waste convenience centers to more efficiently and safely handle waste <br />and recyclable materials, minimize impacts on surrounding neighborhoods, and <br />maximize recyclable materials collection capability and capacity. <br />176. Move the Comprehensive Land Use Plan forward <br />177. Moving to a paperless "agenda" process. <br />