Agenda - 06-03-2008-6c
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 06-03-2008
Agenda - 06-03-2008-6c
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Last modified
8/29/2008 7:37:09 PM
Creation date
8/28/2008 9:18:40 AM
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Agenda Item
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Minutes - 20080603
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ig <br />62. Determine sustainable lot size in rural water resource areas (i.e. not on public water <br />and sewer) based on USGS studies. <br />63. Develop a "one-project, one-permit" central permitting program for development. <br />64. Develop a comprehensive "water budget" assessment to comprehensively look at <br />ground water and surface water systems. <br />65. Develop a cooperative program with the library and future heritage center on Orange <br />County historic and architectural resources, e.g., an oral history program with tapes <br />and transcriptions available for the public to enjoy and learn from. <br />66. Develop a landfill gas recovery project that maximizes methane gas recovery and <br />utilization for energy recovery. <br />67. Develop a process by which new initiatives may be vetted to determine the overall <br />impact in relation to other actions that may have been taken. <br />68. Develop Access Management plan. <br />69. Develop adequate fleet for staff. <br />70. Develop adequate infrastructure to support the provision of services and efficient <br />operations of county government. <br />71. Develop an enterprise approach with strong and sufficient support for all County <br />departments and their operations. <br />72. Develop comprehensive employee training program. <br />73. Develop county definition of sustainable community. <br />74. Develop new logo and county image. <br />75. .Develop specific goals, responsibilities, and mechanisms to enhance county efforts to <br />buy locally. <br />76. Develop sufficient infrastructure to support future economic development. <br />77. Develop teen environmental and recreation programs to help deter youth crime and <br />violence. <br />78. Develop uniform contracting and grant processes including monitoring. <br />79. Develop zoning regulations to address aesthetic issues, tall grass, trash/debris, and <br />other from residents. <br />80. Development and operation of county's future parks. <br />81. Digitize county policy and procedures. <br />82. Diminishing tax base due to exemptions and tax law changes. <br />83. Diversify economic development to broaden the tax base. <br />84. Diversify tax base to place less burden for support of governmental services on <br />residential taxpayers. <br />85. Divest county of unneeded buildings/properties. <br />86. Educate citizens and legislative representatives on tax issues and impacts. <br />87. Embrace best management practices throughout the organization. <br />88. Emergency preparedness outreach - CodeRed, Animals @ Shelters. <br />89. Encourage corrective action and problem resolution at lowest possible level and reduce <br />numbers and levels of discipline and grievance activity. <br />90. Encourage public/private partnerships in developing recreational facilities and <br />programs. <br />91. Encourage the involvement of more citizens on county advisory boards. <br />92. Ensure all commissioners are informed of county business in a timely manner and that <br />no significant county business is conducted by some commissioners without the <br />knowledge of all commissioners. <br />93. Ensure compliance with mandatory recycling, materials theft and landfill ban <br />ordinances. <br />3 <br />
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