Orange County NC Website
i~ <br />28. Begin planning new southwest library. <br />29. Brain drain of experienced employees as they age and retire from the workforce. <br />30. Broaden tax base. <br />31. Build aging-friendly communities by engaging municipalities and County departments in <br />improving infrastructure and services to meet the needs of older residents who desire <br />to age in place, especially those with functional disabilities and impairments. <br />32. Carolina North -arrival of a new Chancellor. <br />33. Carrboro interest in free standing library. <br />34. Collaborate with municipalities to provide better service to all county residents. <br />35. Be competitive with salaries in the Triangle marketplace. <br />36. Complete and fully fund the Archer Position Study. <br />37. Complete county energy audit and create a plan for energy reduction. <br />38. Complete disclosure and conflict statements for BOCC, department heads and staff. <br />39. Complete new facilities for Animal Services and Solid Waste Management. <br />40. Complete renovations of the Audio Now building for Emergency Management. <br />41. Complete study that provides comprehensive information and recommendations on <br />provision of fire and rescue service in Orange County. <br />42. Complete the new Justice Facility. <br />43. Complete the Orange County Comprehensive Plan. <br />44. Complete Town of Hillsborough/Orange County Strategic Growth Plan Phase II. <br />45. Completely revise and update personnel ordinance into board policies and <br />administrative rules of procedure. <br />46. Consider ways to promote on-going and long-term water conservation. <br />47. Consider whether to allow limited access to future park sites prior to park construction <br />in a manner that does not cause harm to land, buildings, or visitors. <br />48. Continue targeting high priority natural and cultural resource land protection through <br />the Lands Legacy Program. <br />49. Continue to work with the W.C. Breeze Family Farm Incubator Program as a regional <br />facility. <br />50. Create a clear and transparent governing process to ensure a positive and productive <br />as well as transparent relationship between elected representatives, staff, citizen <br />advisors, and other citizens in specific areas of concern. <br />51. Create a comprehensive approach to waste. management operations that minimizes, to <br />the extent possible, the carbon footprint. <br />52. Create a county campus between Hillsborough and Chapel Hill. <br />53. Create a positive and proactive pet overpopulation management program that reduces <br />and ultimately eliminates the use of euthanasia as a means of population control. <br />54. Create a target percentage for locally produced food for all meals served at county- <br />sponsored events or facilities. <br />55. Create a zoning code section to govern the development or operations of sexually <br />oriented businesses. <br />56. Create emergency-related mobile pet sheltering capacity co-located with human <br />shelters. <br />57. Decide on reuse or redevelopment of Northern and Northside. <br />58. Define the County's core services for future funding priorities. <br />59. Define what a sustainable community is and how it fits with economic development. <br />60. Determine employee satisfaction with jobs, supervision, benefits, and leadership. <br />61. Determine if we are relying too much on employers outside the county to employ our <br />citizens. <br />2 <br />