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ORANGE COUNTY <br />BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />ACTION AGENDA ITEM ABSTRACT <br />Meeting Date: June 3, 2008 <br />Action Agenda <br />Item No. ~~ <br />SUBJECT: BOCC Goals and Initiatives <br />DEPARTMENT: County Manager <br />ATTACHMENT(S): <br />1) 2/8/08 Retreat Summary Materials <br />Including Initial Compilation of <br />Goal Statements <br />2) 5/20/08 Goals and Initiatives <br />Document <br />3) Draft 2/8/08 BOCC Retreat Meeting <br />Minutes <br />This item was delayed from the <br />Board's May 20, 2008 meeting due to <br />time constraints. <br />PUBLIC HEARING: (Y/N) No <br />INFORMATION CONTACT: <br />Laura Blackmon, County Manager <br />245-2300 <br />PURPOSE: To review and approve the Goals and Initiatives of the Board as initially expressed <br />by the Board, in conjunction with staff, at the February 8, 2008 BOCC Retreat. <br />BACKGROUND: During the August 30, 2007 BOCC work session, the County Manager <br />proposed that the Board convene several work session/retreat meetings to begin a process <br />leading to the development of Board goals for County government. The Manager's proposal <br />included the scheduling a Board Retreat in November/December 2007 to discuss issues, <br />challenges, opportunities, and concerns for the County. To initiate the process, the Board held <br />%2 day meetings on September 28, 2007 and December 7, 2007 with facilitator Phillip Boyle, <br />and then met again with Mr. Boyle, along with County management staff, for a full day meeting <br />retreat on February 8, 2008. The draft materials emanating from that February 8, 2008 retreat <br />meeting, which the Board previously received, are provided at Attachment 1. <br />Since the retreat, County staff has been working to streamline the language, look at <br />consolidating or eliminating duplicate initiatives and actions, and reframe some of the items <br />from descriptions into actions. The resulting Goals and Initiatives document is provided at <br />Attachment 2. The Board is asked to review and approve this list of Goals and Initiatives that <br />resulted from the retreat. Once approved, these Goals and Initiatives will become the basis for <br />future Board retreats and the creation of annual action items to be included in forthcoming <br />budgets. <br />County staff has worked diligently to more fully develop the entire list of action items for the <br />Goals and Initiatives that resulted from this first retreat. This is a very long list of items that can <br />