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<br />Recommended Tethering Amendment Proposal <br />May 20rr` 2008 <br />Page S <br />Section XI(L) shall not anvly to anv Person who held a valid permit to overate a Class I <br />Kennel or Class II Kennel from Orange County on or before January 1.2008 for so lop <br />as such permit remains in full force and effect without lavse or revocation. All Persons <br />applyin~ for a new Class I or Class II Kennel Permit after January 1, 2008 shall comply <br />with this Section XI(L) prior to the issuance of anv such permit.' <br />(i) In addition to the reauired minimum enclosure area <br />established herein additional space must be provided for each additional dog that is kept <br />in an outdoor enclosure as follows• for the second and each additional dog that is kept in <br />an outdoor enclosure with another dog fifty percent of the reauired minimum area <br />specified in subsection XI(L)(1) must be added to the minimum enclosure area. The <br />required minimum enclosure area shall be based on the weight of the largest dog <br />contained within the enclosure. <br />Subsections XI(K) and XI(Ll become effective June 1, 2009 and avply to acts committed <br />on or after that date Anv nerson who violates either of these subsections after June 1. <br />2009 and prior to January 1 2010, shall be issued a written warning ~ivin~ the violator <br />30 days to come into compliance with the ordinance. Anv nerson who violates <br />subsection XI(Kl and XI(L) after January 1, 2010, or anv violator who fails to comely <br />with the ordinance after the expiration of 30 days followins such persons receipt of a <br />warning specified in the preceding sentence is subiect to one or more of the Penalties <br />established in Section XXI of this ordinance. Anv dog that is kept in violation of <br />subsections XI(K) and XI(L) of this ordinance may be seized and subsequently <br />impounded in accordance with Section XIII of this ordinance until such a time as the <br />Animal Control Director is reasonably assured that the dos will not be subiect to restraint <br />in violation of this ordinance The Animal Control Director shall post a notice at the <br />place of the illegal restraint or at such other location, that is desr~ned to reasonably <br />apprise the Owner or Keeper of the doe the place date and time the dog was seized <br />along with the location where the dog was taken. Such notice shall clearly state that the <br />dog may be returned to the Owner or Keener upon providing reasonable assurances to the <br />