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i r~~ <br />a. One (1) project identification sign that is fifty (50) feet in height and six <br />hundred (600) square feet in area, <br />b. A Maximum of eight (8) Tenant/Directory Signs that are fifteen (15) feet in <br />height and have three hundred (300) square feet of sign area each, <br />c. For each `Major/Minor Tenant' three (3) signs (wall, window, etc) for each <br />building, <br />d. One (1) projecting sign for each `Minor Tenant', <br />e. Directional signs at a maximum height of twelve (12) feet with a maximum size <br />of one hundred (100) square feet for each sign <br />Staff Comment: The applicant intends to provide. additional detail on this item at the <br />May 7, 2008 Planning Board meeting. <br />12. Waiver Twelve (12) as outlined on page forty-two (42) of the application reading as <br />follows: <br />`The applicant requests a waiver from Section 3.3 Circulation and Parking - <br />Parking Standards of the EDD Design Manual' <br />The applicant is requesting that required parking for retail uses be modified from one <br />(1} space for every two hundred (200) square feet to one (1) space for. every. three <br />hundred (300) square feet. The rationale for the request is that is will reduce the overall <br />.impervious surface area for the project and create more open space. <br />Staff Comment: Staff supports the waiver request as submitted. C <br />13. Waiver Thirteen (13) as outlined on page forty-five (45) of the application reading as <br />follows: <br />`The applicant requests a waiver from Section 3.2 of the EDD Design Manual <br />requiring that breaks in the MTC buffers be limited to one (1) and no more that <br />twenty-five percent (25%) of the total buffer' <br />The applicant is requesting that more `buffer breaks' be allowed along the Interstate to <br />afford the development additional sight lines from the highway. <br />The applicant is requesting the ability to create breaks within the required buffer of up <br />to sixty percent (60%). The rationale for the request is that the breaks are necessary to <br />accommodate proposed stormwater `quality devices' and that the areas will be re- <br />landscaped to `create a more visually interesting landscape incorporating the open <br />areas'. The applicant further requests that within the remaining forty percent (40%) <br />protected buffer area that `hand clearing' of any existing vegetation be allowed <br />provided that aminimum offifty-four (54) .trees per acre be maintained at all times. <br />Staff Comment: The applicant intends to provide additional detail on this item at the <br />May 7, 2008 Planning Board meeting. <br />14. Waiver Fourteen (14) as outlined on page forty-six (46) of the application reading as <br />follows: <br />r <br />