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-U~ <br />assist them in designed architectural features that are intended to make use of radiant <br />heat and natural light to reduce energy use and costs. <br />Staff Comment: Staff supports the waiver request and recommends that a condition be <br />placed on the project indicating that the waiver can only be utilized in situations where <br />it is demonstrated that the reflective roofing will not create a public safety ~or traffic <br />hazard (i.e. glare). <br />7. Waiver Seven (7) as outlined on pages thirty (30) and thirty-one (31) of the application <br />reading as follows: <br />`The applicant requests a waiver from Section 3.1 Architectural .Design - <br />Corrugated Metal; Highly Reflective Surfaces; and Illuminated Roofing of the <br />EDD Design Manual' <br />The applicant is requesting the ability to have flexibility in using highly reflective roof <br />materials, specifically focusing on use of solar panels. The EDD Design Manual <br />requires that solar panels must be flush with the slope of the roof. The applicant <br />indicates that there may be situations where solar panels cannot be flush with the roof <br />and that flexibility is needed to allow for their use. The benefit here is that panels, that <br />are not flush with the roof, can utilize existing tracking technology to make more <br />efficient use of the suns rays. <br />Staff Comment: Staff supports the waiver request and recommends that a condition be <br />placed on the project indicating that the waiver can only be utilized in situations where <br />it is demonstrated that the solar panels will not create a public safety or traffic hazard <br />(i.e. glare). <br />8. Waiver Eight (8) as outlined on pages thirty-two (32) and t]urty-three (33) of the <br />application reading as follows: <br />`The applicant requests a waiver from Section 3.2 Landscape Design - <br />Landscaping Parking Areas of the EDD Design Manual ' <br />The EDD Design Manual requires that a landscape island be provided for every ten <br />(10) parking spaces. The applicant is proposing the following: <br />` ... shade trees are to be provided at a ratio of one (1) three inch (3 ") caliper <br />tree per ten (10) individual parking spaces provided that ninety percent (90%) of <br />the spaces .are within fifty (50) feet of the center of a shade tree ' <br />The applicant argues that this provision will require the planting of the same number of <br />tress that would be required under the Design Manual, but would allow for larger trees <br />to be planted, allow for a more compact parking lot with less impervious surface area, <br />and allow for shorter walking distances to storefronts for patrons. <br />.Staff Comment: Staff supports the waiver request due to the demonstrated compliance <br />with the spirit and intent of the EDD Design Manual <br />9. Waiver Nine (9) as outlined on page thirty-four (34) of the application reading as <br />follows: <br />`The applicant requests a waiver from Section 3.2 Landscape Design -Building <br />and Grounds of the EDD Design Manual' ~, <br />