Orange County NC Website
J~Q <br />Resolution of Intent to Adopt the 2008-09 Orange County Budget <br />June 24, 2008 <br />Annrnnri~tinnc~ <br />1 Maintain Outside Agency Funding at FY 2007-08 Levels (with exception of agendes receiving spedal one- <br />time a ro 'ations in FY 2007-08 <br />~1,~.~ <br />2 Animal Services -Delete Recommended Animal Care Technidan Shelter 17,835.00 <br />3 Parks & Recreation -Delete Recommended Parks Conservation Technidan I 50,712.00 <br />4 Parks & Recreation -Delete Recorrrnended Parks Conservation Technidan I I 54,445.00 <br />5 Public Works -Delete Recommended Senior Buildi Maintenance Technidan 46,909.00 <br />6 Health -Delete Recommended Senior Public Health Educator Volunteer Coordinator 58,281.00 <br />7 Health -Delete Recommended Public Health Nurse II Communicable Disease Nurse 61,689.00 <br />8 Libra -Delete Reoommended Additional General Fund Su rt for Libra Office Su 'sor II 20,746.00 <br />9 Planni -Delete Recommended Increased Hours for Planner II Land Uselfrans rtation Planner 23,469.00 <br />10 Emer en Services -Delete Recomnerxied Paramedic 49,137.00 <br />11 Infomration Services -Delete Reoommended ems Anal 63,664.00 <br />12 Sheriff -Delete Two Recorrrr>ended Sheriff Positions 196,430.00 <br />13 TaxAssessor -Delete Recommended GIS Ma I 44,137.00 <br />14 Cou 'de - I ement a 3-Month Hiri Dela for All Cou Positions 400,000.00 <br />15 Ora e Public Trans nation -Eliminate Vacant Full-Time E uivalent Positions Positions #659, #660, 67,383.00 <br />16 Ora e Public Trans nation - Restore T ra Fundi for Drivers 40,397.00 <br /> <br />17 a s ecr ion - Iona a ~ a wngs y po rng <br />West Ten Parks <br />171,633.00 <br /> <br />18 oyee ay s - cue o vrng ~ or oyees om <br />Recomnerxied 2.5%to 2.25% Effective Jul 1, 2008 <br />100,007.00 <br /> <br />19 oyee ay s u - uce n- nge ary ~ s om eco ° <br />and 3% to 1 % and 2% Effective on o ee Review Dates <br />25,500.00 <br />20 o ee Pa & Benefits Cou 'de -Post ne I ementation of Phase I of the Pa and Class St 225,000.00 <br />21 Dela Link Center Renovations for One Year 1,000,000.00 <br />22 Dela - Purchase of Central Penmitti em Software for One Year 325,000.00 <br /> <br />23 is o s - uce eco rng s or u ice as r ua e o as r <br />i is Later Than Recommended et Provided For <br />38,000.00 <br /> <br />24 rc o s- uce eco mg s or ce a ary ua e o as r <br />i is Later Than Recommended et Provided For <br />125,000.00 <br /> <br />25 a vces - uce eco mg s or i s roug morons ua e <br />Fadli i is Later Than Recommended et Provided For <br />532,494.00 <br /> <br />26 conomc v o - pone ase o un ing or oan oo i i ase tees e <br />75,000.00 <br />27 Housi & Communi Develo -Maintain Ur ent R it Allocation at FY 2007-09 Level of ,000 50,000.00 <br />28 Efland Sewer ati -Reduce General Fund Subsi b 1 3 Pendi Outcome of of Rate St 40,000.00 <br /> <br />~ arming - n- a- u e- o is o conomc v o n rn <br />FY 2008-09 and One-Half in FY 2008-09 <br />25,000.00 <br />30 Health - Fiminate Cou Match for Health 4 FGds Pr ram 11,000.00 <br /> <br />31 uman esources - n- a - i am rng a teas rr <br />Testi Polities <br />7,000.00 <br /> <br />32 uman esources - oyes v s u as r res a imn e u rng or <br />Non-Cou Fadlities <br />10,000.00 <br />33 Planni -Conduct In=House Traini and Reduce Traini Line Item 4,000.00 <br /> <br />~ si a envy opn ions - ncrease opn ion o ~ u va rung o a ion <br />to $75,000 <br />~,~•~ <br /> <br />~ regency - ncrease o aw or u omey r a ign <br />Emer en Reserve Funds $15,000 <br />40,000.00 <br />36 Human Ri hts & Relations - Dela Teen Girl Menton Pr ram 1,500.00 <br />37 Planni -Eliminate Fundi for Non-Essential Membershi 9,000.00 <br />38 Parks & Recreation -Reduce Cou Su rt to Jaa Festival 5,000.00 <br />39 ERCD -Reduce Cou Su rt to Tria le Land Conservan Reduce from 25,000 to 20,000 5,000.00 <br />40 Human Ri hts & Relations - Combine Annual Communi Dinner with Human Relations K~dc-Off 1,500.00 <br />41 Cou Man er - I emer~t Electronic enda Review Process 2,500.00 <br />42 Economic Develo -Eliminate Fundi for Research Tria le Partnershi 18,504.00 <br />43 Cou 'de -Reduce Travel Line Item in All rtments b 25% 34,347.00 <br />q4 i - Cha a Distribution IntervalMleans of Senior Times Publication 17,500.00 <br /> <br />`~ oca r o u ion - ace rr pense u rng o o ary ncreases or r <br />Personnel Instead of 5% Increase Inducted in Recommended et $660,113 Plus An Additional <br />1,060,113.00 <br />Total Changes to Recanmended Appropriations , <br />Page 2 of 3 <br />