Orange County NC Website
~~p <br />4 -ADJA>;E-NT-L-,4ND-USES <br />=-~oaetl er-plaanetl 4and-trse--ast~ai~se: <br />~-~l~St9{~arj41525-hikiR~Shing; h{}RtIRg; 8fftdBOf a6hWt12S <br />}-€xist+ng envirenme~ia~stfessors: <br />4. ADJACENT LAND USES Extremely Important 15 <br />Considerafioh: Official land use provides information on the actual or customary use of the community. However, zoned or planned land uses The candidate site. with the least potential impact in Perms of <br />may not show how different parcels of land are actually used. The zoniriglplanriing use and.actual use; and existing customary change in actual or customary uses on adjaceritproperties <br />uses associated with a candidate site should be examined (within 500 feet of Uansfer station property boundary) will be <br /> '..ranked highest. <br />'Definition:.. Potential impact upon a community's existing use of space (e:g., resfnction of open space or outdoor uses, traffic volumes, or <br />paflemsfhat create barriers to crossing of streets andlor neighborhood connectivity) resulting from transfer station or <br />infrastructure development. <br />a. PR9XIMIT~TB-SCH90Lr ruin-Q,.,;,?oH;=S; P~~C;?€ATaON-SITE-~; AN9 RESIBENGE~ <br />¢--has+lity related-vehiste-traf~ <br />*-6ikeliheed-o€ exposure #e suduen; ascideAtal-ertwfenmeata~releases <br />5. PROXIMITY TO SCHOOLS, CHURCHES, AND RECREATION SITES Extremely Important 15 <br />Cohsideration: How near a facility is to parks; schools, churches, retirement centers, Hospitals, or other public areas where people congregate Candidate sites with street or roadway connector access <br />can be a concern from the standpoint of both physical and environmental safety (vehicle exhausts, liquid, fugitive emissions, that least impact sensitive community areas will be ranked <br />and odor) from facility-related operations or traffic: highest. <br />Definition: Potenfialimpact offacility-related traffic through "sensifive" communityareas (e.g., schools andlor other public areas)`inclutling <br />pedestrian safety; callecfion or transfer vehicle exhausts; fugitive emissions, and odor <br />Page 3 BOCC Regular Meeting - 06124!06 <br />