Orange County NC Website
\__./ <br />Request for Proposal <br />Conduct an Executive Search for Orange County, NC <br />Purpose <br />Orange County is seeking a consulting firm to conduct the recruitment and assist in the <br />selection process for the position of County Attorney. <br />Scope of Services <br />Orange County is seeking two proposals, and intends to award one of the two options: <br />1. Conducting the entire process: recruitment, screening the applications, screening the <br />candidates, and referring the top 3 candidates. <br />2. Conducting the recruitment, screening the applications, and referring the top 20 <br />applications. <br />Background <br />The County Attorney position is currently being held by an attorney in private practice working <br />under contract with Orange County. The incumbent has been providing this service for over <br />30 years and has recently decided to retire. It is the County's intent to staff this position <br />internally and to not have these legal serviced provided by an external contract with a private <br />attorney. At this point the incumbent will be retiring prior to January 1, 2009. <br />Proposal Requirements <br />Please be sure to include: <br />• An outline of the services you would be providing, as well as a projected timetable <br />• References, with emphasis on executive search work on behalf of North Carolina <br />jurisdictions <br />• Identify resources and staff that will be dedicated to the completion of work <br />• Cost Quotation, inclusive of all estimated expenses for both options <br />• Your availability to begin work <br />Inquiries regarding the Request for Proposal should be directed to Donna Baker, County Clerk <br />at 919-245-2130 or Email : dbaker <br />10 hardcopies and one electronic copy of Proposals are to be submitted to Donna <br />Baker, County Clerk, by noon on Monday, July 15, 2008. <br />Send submittal to: dbaker( or <br />PO Box 8181 <br />200 South Cameron Street <br />Hillsborough, NC 27278 <br />