Orange County NC Website
z 13 <br />sector entities, Orange County acted as the fiscal agent for the contract and contracted with <br />Smithson Mills, who used to work for the North Carolina Department of Agriculture and <br />Consumer Services, and has worked with almost every single value-added facility in the State. <br />The feasibility study is underway and there should be a report in November. The survey <br />accomplishes several things: <br />1. A survey of potential users for types of products at this facility; <br />2. Organizational structure of this entity -Orange, Chatham, Alamance, and Durham <br />Counties; Weaver Street Market; and Whole Foods. The consultant will come forward <br />with some ideas of how this facility might be run. <br />3. Site selection options. <br />George Lucier asked about the two counties that did not respond and Noah Rannells <br />said that Caswell and Person Counties declined to participate, but they are interested in this <br />idea. <br />Tom Vanderbeck asked about the value of and it was answered $15,000: He <br />asked how this consultant was chosen and if all entities were involved. Noah Rannells said that <br />input was solicited from the other counties and he spoke with the Chatham Ag Advisory Board. <br />There were then surveys mailed to all participants of the advisory group as well as the <br />representatives from Chatham County. The survey was also distributed among local listservs <br />and was available on Orange County's website. <br />Commissioner Jacobs asked about the respondents - 64 from four counties -and why <br />this is an indicator. Noah Rannells said that he talked with Smithson Mills today, who said that <br />the response rate was very good and very diverse. The response to the survey indicates a <br />strong demand for this type of facility. <br />George t_ucier asked about the next steps and Chair Carey said that once they get the <br />final report and the recommendations, it would be a good time for the collective group to meet <br />again. <br />Mayor Chilton asked about the extent of the relationships with community colleges. <br />Noah Rannells said that the last meeting was hosted by Alamance Community College Culinary <br />Program. There has been an effort to invite Durham Tech, but the participation has been nil to <br />this point. Alamance Community College is a strong partner. <br />Chair Carey asked Noah Rannells what the jurisdictions should do between now and <br />when the report is submitted, and Noah Rannells said that there is opportunity now for informal <br />discussion and thought and not to allow this to lose steam. He said that he understands that <br />Senator Ellie Kinnaird is looking at pulling together a meeting to examine the bill she. put in and <br />what it might change to in the next session. There is also an interest in having a representative <br />from each of the County Commissioner bodies to get together in a smaller group to talk about <br />the results of the study. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that it would be good to have one Commissioner from each <br />jurisdiction to be engaged in this process. He said that Orange County put in its legislative <br />goals last year $1.5 million for avalue-added agriculture center. He said that there is an <br />opportunity to get 3-4 congressmen involved in this to get this written into the federal budget. It <br />would be a lot more effective if multiple Commissioners from multiple counties were involved. <br />George I_ucier volunteered Tom Vanderbeck to be part of this advisory board for the <br />Value Added Agricultural Products Processing Center. Chair Carey volunteered Commissioner <br />Jacobs. Dan Engals was volunteered from Alamance County. <br />3. Regional Water/VNatershed Protection Issues <br />