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COVERAGE PART <br /> INDIVIDUAL PRACTICE COVERAGES <br /> This policy is amended by the addition of the following: <br /> I. SUPPLEMENTAL LIABILITY <br /> The Company will pay on behalf of the Insured all sums which the Insured shall become legally <br /> obligated to pay as Damages because of Bodily Injury or Property Damage to which this <br /> insurance applies caused by an Occurrence, during the Policy Period. <br /> The limit of liability stated in the Declarations as applicable to "each Incident" or "each <br /> Occurrence" is the limit of the Company's liability for all Damages for each Occurrence covered <br /> by the policy. This limit of liability is separate from the limit of liability applicable to COVERAGES <br /> A. PROFESSIONAL LIABILITY COVERAGE and B. GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE, of the <br /> policy. However, all claims arising from the same or related Occurrence shall be considered a <br /> single claim for the purpose of this insurance and shall be subject to the same limit of liability. <br /> The limit of liability stated in the Declarations as "Aggregate" is, subject to the above provisions <br /> involving "each Incident" or "each Occurrence", the total limit of the Company's liability under <br /> this policy for all Damages under this coverage. <br /> II. MEDICAL PAYMENTS <br /> The Company will pay, in addition to the applicable limit of liability, up to $1,500, per person,to or <br /> for each person who sustains Bodily Injury caused by an Occurrence during the Policy Period: <br /> A. while on the premises owned by or rented to the Insured with the permission of the Insured, <br /> or <br /> B. while elsewhere if such Bodily Injury, <br /> 1. arises out of the premises owned by or rented to the Insured or a condition in the ways <br /> immediately adjoining, <br /> 2. is caused by the activities of the Insured,or <br /> 3. is caused by the activities of, or is sustained by, a residence employee while engaged in <br /> the employment of the Insured; <br /> the reasonable expense of necessary medical, surgical, ambulance, hospital, professional <br /> nursing and funeral services, all incurred within four years from the date of Occurrence. <br /> Subject to the foregoing,the total amounts payable under this extension shall not exceed $75,000 <br /> for all persons who sustain Bodily Injury. <br /> III. DAMAGE TO PROPERTY OF OTHERS <br /> The Company will pay, in addition to the applicable limit of liability, up to $500 for all damage to <br /> the property of others that is caused by the Insured during the Policy Period. The Company will <br /> not pay for damage to the property of others if such damage arises out of: <br /> A. any act or omission with regard to any premises, other than your residence premises, which <br /> is owned, rented or controlled by an Insured; or <br /> B. the Insured's ownership, use, care, or entrustment to others of an Automobile, Mobile <br /> Equipment,watercraft or aircraft. <br /> Within 60 days from the date of loss, the Insured must submit a swom statement of such loss to <br /> the Company. The Insured must also exhibit the damaged property if such property is in the <br /> Insured's possession and/or control. <br /> POE-2151 (10/98) Page 1 of 2 <br />