2014-353 Arts - SECU Family House at UNC Hospitals for Spring 2014 Arts Grant Agreement $1,500
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2014-353 Arts - SECU Family House at UNC Hospitals for Spring 2014 Arts Grant Agreement $1,500
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R 2014-353 Arts - SECU Family House at UNC Hospitals - Spring 2014 Arts Grant Agreement
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SECU Family House at UNC Hospitals Grant Application May 23. 2014 <br /> Orange County Arts Commission Application Narrative Page 2 <br /> Current Programs and Services <br /> As mentioned above, the primary program at SECU Family House encompasses our operations: <br /> Everything that we do is focused on how we can provide a positive, safe, comforting and comfortable <br /> experience for the families staying with us. From utilities to sheets and laundry to housekeeping and <br /> maintenance, all of the costs that you associate with your own home are costs that we face herE�. on a <br /> larger scale. <br /> Our fundraising efforts are geared toward ensuring that families can pay what they can afford, <br /> whether$5 nightly or $50. The bulk of our funding requests—grant or otherwise—seek unrestricted <br /> funding that helps us meet urgent needs as they arise, while also meeting the costs to operate the <br /> house (e.g., utilities). <br /> The Music & Arts Program is the only program for which we seek restricted, dedicated funding. 'Mile <br /> some performers are happy to donate their services, as we outline in the following section, mane <br /> need—and all appreciate—the small stipend we are able to provide to them. <br /> Proposed Uses of Grant Funds <br /> Our Music & Arts Program is now in its fifth year, and it continues to thrive. Historically, the program <br /> has been run by a dedicated volunteer, who actively recruits artists and performers to the HOUSE:' <br /> While we lost his services for some time last year when he moved away, he has returned this year <br /> and has our program running stronger than ever. <br /> Guests at Family House are served dinner most weeknights at 6 p.m. in our kitchen, and so it's a <br /> natural progression into our Great Room to listen to evening entertainers. Acts are asked to be SUI up <br /> to start at 7:00 p.m., and to perform for about an hour. We have a piano on site and two music stands, <br /> but otherwise acts bring their own equipment as needed. <br /> As we shared in our last application, the vast majority of our artists are local—from Orange County or <br /> surrounding environs. They represent a diverse range of genres jazz, folk, pop, a capella, guilar, <br /> ensembles, soloists, quartets and even a magician and tap dancing troupe. Recently, we have had <br /> some high school students requesting to perform as an opportunity to practice live performance. The <br /> audience can range from just a couple of guests to a room filled with 20 or more guests—family <br /> members, patients and caregivers staying at the House. <br /> Our guests, who comprise the audience for this program, are largely from North Carolina and cane <br /> from across the state and beyond. While they represent a diverse range of ages, illnesses, inccrnes. <br /> races and more (we do not track most demographic information of our guests), they all share in <br /> common that they are facing the illness of a loved one. During this stressful time, a song or act can <br /> provide relief or release, helping people to escape or confront complex emotions. <br /> Of the families who rated the Music & Arts Program in the guest survey we distribute to all guests <br /> upon checkout, 87%who had taken advantage of the program rated it "Great," and 97% rated i-: <br /> "Great" or "Good." <br />
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