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MUSICbMAKER <br /> :=Em RELIEF FOUNDATION�c <br /> familiar with traditional American music and musicians still performing today,we feel that <br /> all can benefit from visiting this exhibit. <br /> MMRF will track attendance numbers during the exhibit and panel discussions.We will use <br /> surveys collected at the exhibit launch to measure the level of engagement of attendees, as <br /> well as to determine what audiences we are reaching with the project.Attendees will <br /> answer several short questions in the surveys, identifying their age, ethnicity, country of <br /> residence,as well as rate the exhibit and identify any increase in Roots music knowledge <br /> from their exhibit experience. <br /> We anticipate that 75% or more attendees will indicate that the exhibit launch event had <br /> been an educational experience for them, based on our experiences with our educational <br /> concert series in Chapel Hill,Roots and Leaves: Celebrating the Spirit of Libba Cotten. <br /> Furthermore,we expect to reach at least 300 people during the event itself. <br /> We Are the Music Makers launch event will be an excellent engaging opportunity for the <br /> Orange county community,highlighting how traditional music, much of it springing from <br /> this local area,has evolved throughout history as well as its current relevance.We greatly <br /> appreciate the consideration of the Orange County Arts Commission for our project. <br /> 3 <br />