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t The ArtsCenter: ArtsCenter Stage Free Acting Wc—KShops <br /> Proposed Uses Of Grant Funds <br /> ArtsCenter Stage's 2014-15 will include three productions which commemorate the I00th anniversary of <br /> the beginning of World War One. The three productions include Into the Breach by local playwright lar <br /> Bowater in October 2014; All is Calm, The Christmas Truce of 1914 by Peter Rothstein in December <br /> 2014; and Oh, What a Lovely War by Joan Littlewood and the Theater Workshop in May 2015. Ruru,ing <br /> concurrently with these three productions ArtsCenter Stage will offer a series of free workshops for <br /> actors and actresses involved with these productions. In addition, each workshop will offer up to 10 <br /> additional spaces, free of charge, to actors involved with One Song Productions, an Orange County-based, <br /> youth-run theatre organization. The ArtsCenter respectfully asks the Orange County Arts Commis,, on for <br /> a grant of$1,500 to help support the fees for these free workshops. <br /> Shakespeare Workshops / Into the Breach <br /> The actors from Into the Breach and One Song Productions will be provided a five-week long workshop, <br /> meeting once a week, in Shakespeare technique. During these workshops, participants will take ownership <br /> of Shakespeare's language through activities that involve physical, intellectual, and vocal engagement with <br /> Shakespeare's text on an individual and ensemble level. These workshops will introduce the actors to a <br /> text approach which is an open, personal commitment to thought, word and gesture. Actors will explore <br /> the uniquely Shakespearian actor/audience relationship: a theatrical reality without a fourth wall in which <br /> the immediate energy of the audience fuels the actor and engages the audience. The workshops will <br /> continue by focusing on text analysis and detailed scene work. Text work will focus on scansion, verse and <br /> prose, image analysis and phrasing. <br /> This Shakespeare workshop will run concurrently with rehearsals for Into the Breach. This series of <br /> workshops will enhance the actors' performances in Into the Breach, a play set in the early years of World <br /> War I in which scenes from Shakespeare's Henry V are included. In addition, this series of worksho_),, will <br /> provide One Song Production actors the opportunity to work on Shakespeare scenes and sonnets. These <br /> scenes and sonnets will to be performed for the community for free at the end of the workshop. <br /> Dialect Workshop /All is Calm: The Christmas Truce of 1914 <br /> The actors/singers from All is Calm: The Christmas Truce of 1914 and One Song Productions will be <br /> provided a five-week long workshop, meeting once a week, in dialect work focusing primarily on Br-ir.ish <br /> dialects. During this workshop, actors will study and apply dialect techniques to material found in the play <br /> All is Calm: The Christmas Truce of 1914. Actors will work on Standard British (RP), German and French <br /> dialects which will enhance their performances in All is Calm. Actors from One Song Productions \v ll <br /> study and apply dialect techniques to poetry from the World War One time period including classic poems <br /> of the war by Wilfred Owen, Siegfried Sassoon, Rupert Brooke, Rudyard Kipling, and others. <br /> The dialect workshop will run concurrently with rehearsals for All is Calm: The Christmas Truce of 1914. <br /> The actors/singers cast in All is Calm are members of Cantari, a Chapel Hill-based vocal ensemble <br /> specializing in a cappella music. In the play, actors speak in different dialects including British, German and <br /> French. In addition, this series of workshops will provide One Song Production actors the opportunity to <br />