Orange County NC Website
5/23/2014 CVNC:An Online Arts Journal in North Carolina I Gem of the Ocean Rides High at the Carrboro ArtsCenter <br /> can take us on spiritual j9,ugieys towards understanding. <br /> The one white guy in the play is an itinerant tinker and peddler, Rutherford Selig. He's a friend and frequent visitor, and serves to demonstrate th,i' n,: ui white <br /> people are bad news to black people.The part is small, but key to the culminating action, and is admirably filled by the always-interesting John n1 .m,y <br /> The technical side of this production is as strong as the cast. James Carnahan and Tracy Broome have made a fine set and filled it well. I had a r dr r f quibbles <br /> with Elizabeth Droessler's lighting in the more dramatic moments, but overall it's very good. Marissa Erickson's costuming is first-rate,and tells I< deal about <br /> the characters. Caesar Wilks'oversized white-man suit, pooling around his heels, spoke very clearly. In addition,Zachary Corsa and Denny Wilk s, r !.orsa have <br /> created a wonderful sound design, replete with the blues.This show will be on every year's-best list in numerous categories. <br /> Gem of the Ocean repeats May 15-18.Advance reservations are suggested,as the house size has been reduced by the expanded stage. For me-« i, tils on this <br /> production, please view the sidebar. <br /> CVNt; ° 3305 Rllffiii Streei,Raleigh,NC 27607-4025 ^ Contact CVNC <br /> Ccpyright%2014 CVNC - 'vhebsite by Online Publications.lnc. <br /> r::ditaial content and all formals copyright 2001-201.1 C'dNC and the respective.authors.Aside from;ingio copies printed for personal u.n <br /> reproduction in any form without authonzation of C/NC and the respective authorsis prohibited.Contact us for details, <br /> http.(l tit <br />