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5/23/2014 A powerful post-Civil War encounter in ArtsCenter Stage's The Whipping Man I Theater I Indy Week <br /> Arts »Theater October 23, 2013 <br /> A powerful post-Civil War encounter in <br /> ArtsCenter Stage' s The Whipping Man <br /> by Kate Dobbs Ariail <br /> O <br /> Photo by Adam Dodds. <br /> L to R: Alphonse Nicholson, Victor Rivera and Phillip B. Smith <br /> Art necessarily takes on the issues of its own time, but it is in its <br /> processing of history that art often excels in feeding civilization. 2013 <br /> marks the 1 SOth anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation, and the <br /> Carrboro ArtsCenter Stage has focused its season on that event and its <br /> long aftermath, beginning with a stunning production of The Whipping <br /> Man, a 2006 play by Matthew Lopez. <br /> ArtsCenter Stage has always been the little theater that could, and this <br /> http://wNw.indyo)eekcomli ndyAeeWa-powerful-post-ci\i I-war-encounter-in-artscenter-stag es-the-Whipping-man/Content?ad=3749259&mode=print 1/3 <br />