5/23/2014 'Presidents'hands out a pack of laughs Entertainment NemObser\er.com
<br /> Details What: "44 Plays for 44 Presidents" Where: Carrboro ArtsCenter, 304-G E. Main d rrboro
<br /> When: 8 p.m. Oct. 4-6; 2 p.m. Oct. 7 Tickets: $8-$16 Info: 919-929-2767; artscenterlive.or i
<br /> Carrboro ArtsCenter, known for its freewheeling presentations of improv, stand-up comedy and
<br /> 'theater pieces, is a natural venue to stage "44 Plays for 44 Presidents,,, a raucous grab bag of lies
<br /> covering all the U.S. presidents. Despite its rough edges and relaxed pacing, the production off f >Icome
<br /> relief from current election rhetoric.
<br /> First mounted by Chicago's Neo-Futurists Company in 2402 (when the title number was 43), the Uction
<br /> has been popular around the country ever since. This year, Neo-Futurists arranged for 44 pros s
<br /> during this election season, including the ArtsCenter's.
<br /> Each sketch is presented in a different format, from poetry slam to wrestling match, from rock-a,
<br /> dance to illustrated lecture. Five actors play all the parts, passing a multicolored dress coat to c,,,, , ne
<br /> portraying a particular president. The others grab various costume pieces and props to become. 'I r
<br /> required congressmen, wives, protesters and reporters. Clever musical cues link the scenes, an 3rge
<br /> screen shows portraits Of each president, along with additional illustrations, texts and videos.
<br /> Derrick Ivey and Michael Brocki anchor the proceedings with their considerable theatrical skills. is E ; 7 a
<br /> Hilarious, tongue-tied Thomas Jefferson at his own roast and a show-off Woodrow Wilson toutin- l last
<br /> accomplishments. Brocki warbles an off-kilter song as "Silent" Calvin Coolidge and brings a husl a.- ie
<br /> refiects on assassinations in the roles of Andrew Johnson and Lyndon Johnson.
<br /> Stephen Wall dons a lot of women's hats for comic effect and reads a storybook version of Frari,h 3ierce's
<br /> tragedy-laden life. Page Purgar clowns as a silent movie title card presenter and sings a gospekt ,!c:� d
<br /> tribute to Richard Nixon's accomplishments. Ros Schwartz goes from a wisecracking Benjamin F i , r.j n to a
<br /> scrappy Benjamin Harrison battling a vote recount.
<br /> Director Mark Filiaci encourages an improvisational approach, the actors chatting with the audic end
<br /> joshing each other as they set each scene But a tighter pace would buoy the audience along ri f rough
<br /> the 2 '/2-hour evening. The staging often becomes too boisterous to hear important lines, and tl at
<br /> lines in the awkwardly split auditorium are too often ignored. At Friday's opening, many lighting ,:,,; ., 'Vere
<br /> uncertain and most sketches lacked a precise finish, often killing audience applause.
<br /> If approached as a casual entertainment, accompanied by libations from the lobby bar, the proci,,, r ,; ,t can
<br /> offer a diverting and even thought-provoking night out.
<br /> Dicks: music—theater@lycos.com
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