Orange County NC Website
.~ - . <br />j <br />a~ <br />Orange County Board of Commissioners <br />Page 2 <br />March 13, 2006 <br />require this financial disclosure. The document prepared by Ms. <br />Holmes summarizing the survey is Attachment B. <br />The County has the authority to require financial <br />disclosure by Orange County employees ,that report to the County <br />Manager. The employees required to disclose can be required to <br />disclose those matters that are .likely to create conflicts <br />between their County work and their other financial interests, <br />existing and potential. To implement a decision to require this <br />disclosure would require amendment to the County Personnel <br />Ordinance. A disclosure requirement could become a condition .of <br />employment as to covered employees hired thereafter. However, as <br />to existing covered employees, an ordinance disclosure <br />requirement may not be enforceable as a condition of continued <br />employment. <br />The County Personnel Ordinance could not require the Health <br />Director, the Director of Social Services, the Register of Deeds <br />or the Sheriff to disclose property or business ownership. <br />Requiring financial disclosure of these public officials would <br />require an act.. of the General Assembly, comparable to the act <br />(Attachment A) applicable to the members of the Board of <br />Commissioners. Even without legislation as to these County <br />officials, the Board of Commissioners could adopt a policy which <br />encourages financial disclosure by them. <br />Related to but distinct from financial disclosure is the <br />topic of conflicts of interest. Rules regarding conflicts of <br />interest are expressed in legal prohibitions and in codes of <br />ethics. Interestingly, sometimes the law and ethical <br />considerations may be perceived to be inconsistent. For example, <br />a member of the Board of Commissioners may be concerned about <br />voting on a Board policy or program that impacts, positively or <br />negatively, on an organization or a cause headed by or publicly <br />supported by a Board member's family member. Notwithstanding the <br />ethical question posed, a County Commissioner is required to <br />vote on the policy question. This is so because N.C. Ge.n. Stat. <br />~ 153A-44 only permits the Board to excuse a member from voting <br />upon questions involving the member's own financial interest, <br />official conduct or other prohibitions spelled out by statute. A <br />copy of N.C. Gen. Stat. ~ 153A-44 is Attachment C. <br />