Orange County NC Website
1~ <br />except in case of County official action or other County official business and only if the <br />announcement is reasonably necessary to the covered person's official function. <br />Section 2. Gifts. <br />(a) A covered person shall not knowingly, directly or indirectly, aslc, accept, <br />demand, exact, solicit, seek, assign, receive, or agree to receive anything of value for the <br />covered person, or for another person, in return for being influenced in the discharge of <br />the covered person's official responsibilities, other than that which is received by the <br />covered person from the County for acting in the covered person's official capacity. <br />(b) A covered person Inay not solicit for achat-itable purpose any gift from any <br />subordinate County employee: This subsection shall not apply to generic written <br />solicitations to all members of a class of subordinates. Nothing in this subsection shall <br />prohibit a covered person from serving as the honorary head of a charitable solicitation <br />for a nonprofit business entity qualifying under 26 U.S.C. § 501(c)(3). <br />(c) No covered person shall lcnowingiy accept a gift, directly or indirectly, from a <br />lobbyist or lobbyist principal as defined in Chapter 120C of the North Carolina General <br />Statutes. <br />(d) No public servant shall knowingly accept a gift, directly or indirectly, from a <br />person whom the public servant knows or has reason to know any of the following: <br />(1) Is doing or is seeking to do business of any kind with the County. <br />(2) Is engaged in activities that are regulated or controlled by the County. <br />(3) Has financial interests that may be substantially and materially affected, <br />in a manner distinguishable from the public generally, by the <br />performance or nonperformance of the public servant's official duties. <br />(e) Subsections (c) and (d) of this section shall not apply to any of the following: <br />(1) Food and beverages for immediate consumption in connection with <br />public events. <br />(2) Informational materials relevant to the duties of the covered person. <br />(3) Reasonable actual expenditures of the covered person for food, <br />beverages, registration, travel, lodging, other incidental items of <br />nominal value, and entertairunent, in connection with (i) a covered <br />person's attendance at an educational meeting for purposes primarily <br />related to the public duties and responsibilities of the covered person, <br />employee, or in order for the covered person to participate as a speaker <br />or member of a panel; or (ii) a covered person's attendance and <br />participation in meetings of a state, regional, national, or international <br />organization of which the County is a member or that the covered <br />person is a member or participant of by virtue of that person's public <br />position, or as a member of a board, agency, or committee of such <br />organization, provided the following conditions are met: <br />a. The reasonable actual expenditures shall be made by a lobbyist's <br />principal, and not a lobbyist. <br />9 <br />