Orange County NC Website
2014-2015 Arts Program Grant—Spring 3 <br /> Orange County Arts Commission <br /> The ArtsCenter: School Show Series <br /> Cincinnati Opera, and Jimi and Mr. B, a musical commissioned by the Empire State Plaza Performing Arts <br /> Center. His long form poem "Oh Hudson" in collaboration with violin virtuoso Mark O'Connor <br /> commemorates the Hudson quadricentennial, and his version of The Carnival of the Animals with classical <br /> piano virtuoso Frederic Chui, premiered in 2008. David received his doctorate in Music Therapy from <br /> NYU and taught there for ten years. <br /> David's poetry was featured at Lincoln Center's Out-of-Doors Festival, Bill Moyers's documentary <br /> Fooling with Words on PBS, NPR's All Things Considered, and the World Science Festival among many <br /> other venues. He was the host of New York Kids on WNYC for eight seasons. He earned a doctoral <br /> degree from New York University in Music Therapy and has conducted numerous seminars, workshops <br /> and lectures, and worked as a music therapist in clinical and educational institutions. <br /> Information from artist's website ( <br /> HOBEY FORD: Hobey Ford has never had another career. Now internationally renowned in the <br /> puppetry field, an award-winning performer and Kennedy Center Partner in Education teaching artist, <br /> Ford knew early on what he wanted to do after seeing a puppet show while still a youngster: he was <br /> bitten by the puppetry bug! While studying at an arts college, Hobey eventually found "... one of my <br /> cornerstones- that I would approach puppetry as storytelling with puppets." Ford designs and constructs <br /> all of his Golden Rod Puppets as well as the beautiful sets that surround them. Now a resident of <br /> Asheville NC, Hobey also draws on his early experiences growing up in coastal Connecticut or living in <br /> a Nevada Native American community in writing the scripts for some of his performances such as <br /> "Whale Walker" and "Turtle Island Tales." <br /> Ford first created the Golden Rod Puppets in 1980 and often adapts folk tales and global cultural <br /> traditions for his performances, always adding a special "Golden Rod" twist. Hobey is credit his <br /> audiences for completing the creative spark that is ignited with every live performance and he has <br /> brought his amazing talent to family audiences all over the world for over two decades. Ford has <br /> received the highest awards for his brilliant and priceless contributions to the world of puppetry: two- <br /> time winner of puppetry's highest honor, the UNIMA Citation of Excellence, recipient of three Jim <br /> Henson Foundation grants, and The Hermitage Fellowship, Hobey Ford is renowned for excellence in in <br /> his craft. Chosen as a Kennedy Center Partner to teach teachers (and other artists) how to use the <br /> performing arts in the classroom curriculum, Hobey not only performs his original works ZLII over the <br /> world but offers workshops to teachers and students alike. <br /> Hobey is considered by his peers both an innovator in puppetry craft and a master storyteller. He <br /> created both the "Foamies" and the clever hand puppet known as "Peepers," an imaginative, patented set <br /> of plastic eyes - for hands of any size- worn in several ways that turn the bare hand into ar innovative <br /> and inexpensive instant puppet! The"Foamies" are large animal puppets that Hobey designs, carves and <br /> paints from blocks of foam. After studying each animal's characteristic movements, Hobey designs <br /> various rod control mechanisms to make the puppets themselves move in an incredibly lifer-like manner. <br /> The "Foamies" are presented using both stage and house performance spaces, often flying or"walking" <br /> right out over the audiences' heads! <br /> Information from artist's website (www.hobe <br />