Orange County NC Website
ORD- 2014 -029 <br />ORANGE COUNTY <br />BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />ACTION AGENDA ITEM ABSTRACT <br />Meeting Date: June 17, 2014 <br />Action Agenda <br />Item No. 6 -n <br />SUBJECT: Bid Award — Morinaga Area Water and Sewer Infrastructure and Approval of <br />Budget Amendment #9 -D <br />DEPARTMENT: Planning, Finance & PUBLIC HEARING: (Y /N) No <br />Administrative Services, Asset <br />Management Services (AMS) <br />ATTACHMENT(S): <br />INFORMATION CONTACT: <br />1) Certified Bid Tabulation <br />Craig Benedict, Planning, (919) 245- <br />2) Award Recommendation Letter from <br />2592 <br />McGill Associates <br />Clarence Grier, Manager's Office/ <br />3) Map of Project Area <br />Finance & Administrative Services, <br />(919) 245 -2453 <br />John Roberts, Attorney, (919) 245 -2318 <br />Kevin Lindley, Planning, (919) 245 -2583 <br />Jeff Thompson, AMS, (919) 245 -2658 <br />David Cannell, Finance & Administrative <br />Services, (919) 245 -2651 <br />PURPOSE: To consider: <br />• Approval of Budget Amendment #9 -D for the acceptance of the Community <br />Development Block Grant (CDBG) of $750,000, and the use of the required match of <br />$250,000 and a $75,000 construction contingency from Article 46 Sales Tax proceeds; <br />• Awarding the bid and approving a construction contract to J.F. Wilkerson Contracting <br />Co., Inc. of Morrisville, NC, in the amount of $747,840 for the construction of the <br />Morinaga Area Water and Sewer Infrastructure; <br />• Authorize the Manager to sign the contract and other documents necessary to begin <br />project on behalf of the Board of County Commissioners, subject to final review by the <br />County Attorney; and <br />• Authorize the Manager to execute individual change orders within the limit of Manager's <br />authority ($250,000) up to the extent of the project budget. <br />BACKGROUND: The area to be served is covered by a water and sewer service agreement <br />with the City of Mebane (2004 and as amended in 2012). The project consists of approximately <br />2,100 linear feet of 12" gravity sewer line and approximately 5,500 linear feet of 12" and 16" <br />water line. The sewer portion of the project will connect the Morinaga site to the 18" sewer line <br />recently constructed as part of the Buckhorn Mebane Phase 2 Utilities project, which was <br />funded by money set aside in Article 46 sales tax account for economic development <br />infrastructure. The City of Mebane's water infrastructure is being extended from the subdivision <br />to the west of the Morinaga Candy Company site. In addition to providing water to the Morinaga <br />