Orange County NC Website
10 <br />Page 2 of 2 <br />Durham Technical Community College Board of Directors <br />Background, education and experience relevant to this board: <br />Reasons for wanting to serve on this board: <br />Conflict of Interest: <br />Supplemental Questions: <br />Orange Water & Sewer Authority Board of Directors <br />James Fickle <br />Please listlexplain your experience, either professionally and /or from other <br />boards /commissions that you have in the areas of budget, personnel, and management. <br />Professionally, my positions involved budgetary responsibility (up to $2 M annually) and <br />management of direct reporting personnel (up to 14). 1 am aware of the needs for planning, <br />implementation, and oversight of these resources while maintaining focus on the tasks assigned. <br />In addition to the experience listed in the question above, please list the worklvolunteer <br />experience /qualifications that would add to your expertise for this board. <br />University and industry work in soils, crops, regulatory affairs (company representative with <br />EPA,OPP). Over the years, I have worked with irrigation so am conversant with water use in <br />agriculture. <br />What do you see as the responsibilities of this board, and what do you hope to <br />accomplish if appointed? <br />Provision for supply, delivery and stewardship of water resources for Orange County. I have no <br />specific items to accomplish, but do have an interest in water reuse as a means of minimizing <br />impact on available resources. <br />What is OWASA's role in growth /development issues? <br />I think OWASA works within the larger needs of county and its municipalities. Therein the <br />provision, delivery and stewardship of water resources is the specific perview of OWASA. <br />Where growth and development is under consideration of the various branches of county and <br />municipal government, OWASA would be active in helping to implement those items having to <br />do with water. <br />Other Comments: <br />I would like to serve on the OWASA board as water availability, use and quality are <br />paramount to the county's future. I suggest my technical background in agriculture will <br />allow me to quickly become knowledgeable on local issues and challenges. STAFF <br />COMMENTS: Originally applied 9/24/2010 for OWASA Board of Directors, Agricultural <br />Preservation Board and Durham Technical Community College Board of Directors. <br />UPDATED APPLICATION FOR OWASA 04/16/2011. UPDATED <br />APPLICATION FOR OWASA 04/22/2012. ADDRESS VERIFICATION: Steeplechase <br />Road is in Chapel Hill Township and Chapel Hill Jurisdiction. <br />Updated application with additional questions answered for OWASA 12/27/2013. <br />This application was current on: 12127/2013 6:59:24 PM Date Printed: 6/5/2014 <br />