Orange County NC Website
6 <br /> ATTACHMENT 1: Summary of Public Outreach Results <br /> shopping, dining, visiting Poet's Walk at Ayr Park or the trails at the Historic <br /> Occonnochee Speedway Trace, or whatever." <br /> • "I work with Orange Co. Head Start at Fairview Child & Family Center. We serve low- <br /> income families from all over Hillsborough and rural parts of Orange county, and routinely <br /> see lack of adequate transportation as a primary reason needy families are not able to <br /> take advantage of our free, high quality early childhood and family support program. Bus <br /> service from areas in Efland/Mebane, Cedar Grove, and the Eastern parts of the county <br /> where low income housing is clumped would enable some of these young families to <br /> more consistently get to Hillsborough to take advantage of programs like ours, and <br /> hopefully get, get to, and keep jobs that aren't available in those rural areas." <br /> • "I also support making a connection from Mebane to Hillsborough." <br /> • "I would like very much to be able to take a fare free bus from home to work. I hope there <br /> will be bus stops along 86 (north of 1-40), at the ends of the neighborhoods on 86 so <br /> people can get on from home without driving to a park and ride. Stops would need to be <br /> plentiful - near enough to walk to, but not blocked from neighborhoods by structures one <br /> can't walk past, such as the bridge across New Hope Creek." <br /> • "My home is in Efland, and I have always wanted to ride the bus (instead of drive) into <br /> Hillsborough and Mebane. I attend the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, so I <br /> ride the 420 bus to Hillsborough and have to get someone to pick me up in Hillsborough, <br /> so I am excited about the expanded 420 route and the Hillsborough to Efland route so <br /> that I can easily commute between Mebane, Efland, Hillsborough, and Chapel Hill. I have <br /> been waiting for these bus services for many years. Thank you!" <br /> • "I think it's horrible that people who pay taxes do not have public transport to do the <br /> simplest but most important tasks, such as grocery shopping, Doctor appts, school & <br /> church. Everybody in Mebane should be able to get to the Lowe's/CVS strip &/or <br /> Walmart Center for dinner or shopping without having to own & maintain a car." <br /> • "As a freelancer who works from home without a car, with meetings in CH and Carrboro, I <br /> highly support additional times in morning/early afternoon and more destinations. Would <br /> love if services for TTA and OPT not fare-free, to have a unified pass to easily swtich <br /> between services. (so connecting the services would be great). With senior parents, <br /> support all efforts to expand times/routes for them. Possibility of stops to Raleigh? <br /> Thanks!" <br />