Orange County NC Website
3 <br />Public Hearing agendas, but was postponed due to time constraints. This item is <br />included in the legal advertisement primarily for public information purposes (e.g., since <br />the item was continued from a previous public hearing that was legally advertised, there <br />is not a legal requirement to re- advertise this item for public hearing). <br />The attached legal advertisement provides additional information regarding these items. Maps <br />depicting the locations of items 1 through 4 are included in Attachment 2. The BOCC approved <br />the Amendment Outline Form for items 2 and 5 at its October 15, 2013 and for items 3 and 4 at <br />its November 19, 2013 meeting. The Amendment Outline Form for Item 6 is included for <br />approval as part of the June 17, 2014 meeting agenda. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: Other than advertising costs, which are included in the FY 2014 -15 <br />Budget, there are no direct financial impacts associated with the approval of this item. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends the Board approve the proposed <br />September 8, 2014 Quarterly Public Hearing legal advertisement. <br />