Orange County NC Website
~' <br />community tend to be more trusted than those attempting to connect through <br />"cold calls." <br />6. Build relationships that inform and strengthen the existing government <br />resources and leverage knowledge and resources to reduce the impact of the <br />LEP communities' barriers in Orange County -County agencies already sustain <br />relationships with EI Centro Latino, EI Centro Hispano, CHICLE, North Carolina <br />Minority Health Task Force and the NC WISH Coalition to name a few.. <br />However, there are additional agencies and businesses set up to serve the <br />Latino community whose resources could be leveraged to reduce barriers for <br />LEP communities. <br />7. Enhance and continue the County's Training and Development Program <br />including trainings of Cultural Diversity phases 1,2,3. In addition, make Title VI <br />training mandatory for all managers and supervisors. <br />CONCLUSION <br />This report is the first in a series exploring the changing demographics of the LEP <br />community in Orange County. As the County continues to change, it is important to <br />be aware of the actual number of LEP communities and the services that they are <br />needing and wanting to access. By doing so, the County better able to provide <br />quality service for LEP communities and prepare itself to change as the community <br />changes. With the anticipated growth of the Latino and Asian populations in the <br />Triangle and Orange County being aware of community needs, identifying resources <br />and eliminating barriers for the LEP will be increasingly important in the next decade. <br />22 <br />