Agenda - 11-02-2006-5m
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 11-02-2006
Agenda - 11-02-2006-5m
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9/2/2008 1:24:15 AM
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8/28/2008 9:08:04 AM
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2006 NS Contract - NC Department of Correction Grant Award and CJPP Continuation Contracts
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\Board of County Commissioners\Contracts and Agreements\General Contracts and Agreements\2000's\2006
Minutes - 20061102
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2000's\2006
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~~ <br />and maintenance of j ob descriptions, and salaries shall be established in accordance with the <br />county=s approved pay classification plan. <br />Personnel costs shall not be allowable as costs to be financed in whole or in part with <br />this grant award, unless the position or allowable cost thereof is specifically contained <br />within the narrative portion of the application and the approved budget and then only <br />as to the cost therein designated as approved. All increases in county personnel salaries <br />and other compensation must be implemented in accordance with the county=s <br />personnel polices and pay classification plan, as approved by the County Board of <br />Commissioners. Documentation of such increases shall be made available to the <br />NCDOCCJPP upon request. <br />D. Contracts for Professional Services: The Grantee assures that in any NCDOCCJPP <br />program or proj ect requiring the procurement of contractual services a competitive bidding or <br />competitive negotiation process will be used when appropriate and practical and when <br />required by law or by county policy. In all cases the Grantee shall secure the most cost- <br />effective manner of providing services. In the case where the county opts not to use a <br />competitive process and the cost of contractual services exceeds the range of typical rates for <br />such services in other counties, the NCDOCCJPP may require the county to make a request <br />for proposals or utilize competitive bidding before expending funds for contractual services. <br />Contracts shall contain information about the scope and costs of services to be rendered and <br />the number of persons to be served. The Grantee shall draft service contracts according to <br />CJPP guidelines for proposed contracts, and the Grantee shall have the responsibility for <br />securing from CJPP such guidelines before entering into contracts for services. <br />A copy of the proposed contract must be submitted for consideration during the <br />NCDOCCJPP review of the Grantee=s plan or application. No funds may be expended <br />for contract agreements until such contracts are received and approved as a part of the <br />grant application process. <br />E. Insurance and Indemnification: Grant funds may not be committed for insurance or <br />indemnification expenses unless the Grantee=s plan and application demonstrate that a) types <br />and extent and cost of coverage will be in accordance with local government policy and <br />sound business practice and b) costs will~not be charged for contributions to a reserve for a <br />self-insurance program. Grant funds may not be requested by the Grantee if any expenditures <br />are to be made for insurance or indemnification costs for which the above certification <br />cannot be made unless complete details and justification have been submitted to the <br />NCDOCCJPP and prior approval has been granted. <br />F. Rent and/or Lease of Space or Equipment: .All leases entered into for purposes of a <br />funded project shall be made at the lowest reasonable prices. The Grantee may use its <br />normal leasing procedures and space requirements for employees. The rental charge must be <br />consistent with prevailing rates in the area. The Grantor shall not be obligated for any <br />rent or lease agreement beyond the grant period. <br />Page 8---July 1, 2006 to June 30, 2007 <br />
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