Orange County NC Website
rigid covers must then be re-oriented. He said there are now self-leveling covers, and there is <br /> a test site in North Carolina. He said this is a possibility. <br /> Chair Jacobs said a solar company approached the County at one point regarding solar <br /> panels, but the decision deadline was too tight. <br /> Gayle Wilson said the company was also competing with the methane gas recovery <br /> system. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner McKee, seconded by Commissioner Rich to: <br /> 1) Award the general construction bid to and approve the construction agreement with T&K <br /> Construction, LLC of Vinemont, AL in the amount of$3,432,142 for the construction <br /> associated with the closure of the Orange County MSW Landfill; <br /> 2) Authorize the Chair to sign the general construction agreement on behalf of the Board of <br /> County Commissioners, subject to final review by the County Attorney; and <br /> 3) Authorize the Manager to execute individual change orders within the limits of the <br /> Manager's <br /> authority ($250,000) up to the extent of the project budget. <br /> *4) Request staff to investigate recreational and alternative energy options. <br /> Chair Jacobs asked if this motion can include a request to have staff investigate <br /> recreation and alternative energy options. <br /> Commissioner McKee said yes <br /> Commissioner Dorosin noted that there are additional costs outside of the bid that are <br /> part of project. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> b. Solid Waste Service Tax District for Recycling <br /> The Board discussed issues surrounding the establishment of a Solid Waste Service <br /> Tax District to fund the rural curbside/roadside recycling collection service, including <br /> information received during two Public Hearings, and to decide the method of funding for this <br /> County provided program. <br /> Gayle Wilson reviewed the background information from the abstract and said the <br /> Board of Commissioners has investigated various options to replace the previously eliminated <br /> rural 3-R fee over the past year and a half. He said the Board expressed interest in a solid <br /> waste district, and two public hearings have been held to discuss this. He said there is <br /> currently no funding provided for continuation of the curbside recycling program for 2014/2015. <br /> He said an alternate opt in program has also been discussed. <br /> Michael Talbert said the County has already held two public hearings. He said the <br /> financial impact of moving forward with a tax district would be 1.5 cents on the tax rate for <br /> about 20,000 parcels. He said this would raise the revenue to provide service for everyone in <br /> the district. <br /> Michael Talbert said the Board has already looked at a franchise tax and subscription <br /> service but voted on the intent to move forward with a service tax district. He said time is <br /> running out, and if the Board does not do this tonight, the option would need to be abandoned <br /> for at least another year. <br /> PUBLIC COMMENT <br />