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She said if the discussion is about consolidation, staff should try to figure out some way <br /> that is convenient in order to eliminate the need for people to drive their cars to get to different <br /> departments. <br /> Jeff Thompson said this has been done, and EAC has been consolidated and co- <br /> located, though the facility is depreciated. He said he is not asking to move people out. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said her point is that consolidation should be done to as few <br /> locations in Hillsborough as possible. <br /> Jeff Thompson said that point is intact. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said it would be good have another space needs work session. <br /> She said the idea of having the recreation folks come over to Whitted is a good one, as the <br /> recreation building is not a great space. She also thinks recreation needs expansion. <br /> Commissioner Price would like to see more consideration of the fact that we are in a <br /> digital age. She said this needs to be considered when looking at what the modern space <br /> needs really are for the people in each department. She said a huge desk is no longer a <br /> requirement. <br /> Jeff Thompson said this has been discussed, and modernization of offices does require <br /> less square footage, however technology does not address meeting spaces and customer <br /> service spaces, and size is needed in these spaces. He said there is adequate space for <br /> growth, and there will be more once the storage policy is tightened up. <br /> Commissioner Pelissier said she has struggled because there are CIP decisions to be <br /> made, and the Board does not have all of the information. She said this is really more about <br /> best use of facilities. She would like to see how much actual space is being used for storage. <br /> She said there is no way to know how much less space is needed until the policy is developed <br /> and implemented. <br /> Jeff Thompson said the big CIP discussion is what to do about EAC. He said this is <br /> really the only facility in need of direction, outside of optimal use, which is not a CIP issue. <br /> Commissioner Pelissier asked how long it will take to find out how much less space is <br /> needed. <br /> Jeff Thompson said that is a challenge, because there are so many regulatory groups <br /> to deal with. He said 6 months is probably a fair timeline. <br /> Commissioner Rich asked what happens to the CIP if departments start digitizing items. <br /> Jeff Thompson said there is a line item for that. <br /> Chair Jacobs said there seems to be a lot more work to do on analyzing storage space. <br /> He said it would be good to have a matrix showing the overlapping needs of departments, and <br /> an analysis of office space. He said the Board also needs to come back to the issue of the <br /> EAC and how it fits into the CIP. He said there is agreement not to put EAC functions at <br /> Blackwood Farms, and it seems there is no other space that would allow the co-location. He <br /> said the Board would like to have three alternatives in the CIP for EAC: 1) keep it as is; 2) <br /> renovate; or 3) build a new building on the same site. <br /> Jeff Thompson said a major renovation, adaptive reuse or a deconstruction could be <br /> done. He said these options could be presented, as well as what is currently in the CIP. <br /> Commissioner McKee asked for a consensus again on the current uses at EAC to be <br /> maintained at the site on Revere Road and not moved to Blackwood Farms. <br /> Commissioner Price said she really wants to stay on top of the technology issue as it <br /> relates to the space study and the effect on office space. <br /> Jeff Thompson said staff can specifically report on this. <br /> Commissioner Price said she was also voting in favor of the straw poll. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin asked for clarification on the purpose of the straw poll. He <br /> reviewed the three options for the site. <br /> Chair Jacobs said another option is to leave the building as it is. <br />