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SPECIAL DETAILED REQUIREMENTS BASED ON USE AND OCCUPANCY <br />with'/4\nch (6.35 mm) insulating mill board or other <br />equivale'lat insulation. <br />[F] 417. Fire protection. Drying rooms de igned for <br />high -bazar materials and processes, including re cial occu- <br />pancies as p vided for in Chapter 4, shall be p tected by an <br />approved auto atic fire- extinguishing system mplying with <br />the provisions Chapter 9. <br />SECTION 418 <br />[F] 418.1 Building fe tures. Manufa uring of organic coat- <br />ings shall be done onl in buildings hat do not have pits or <br />basements. <br />[F] 418.2 Location. Orga is co/ting manufacturing opera- <br />tions and operations incideN <br />connected therewith shall <br />not be located in buildings ther occupancies. <br />[F] 418.3 Process mills. Mting with close clearances <br />and that process flammable t - sensitive materials, such <br />as nitrocellulose, shall be n a detached building or <br />noncombustible structure <br />[F] 418.4 Tank storage torage area for flammable and com- <br />bustible liquid tanks i ide of structur s shall be located at or <br />above grade and shal a separated from he processing area by <br />not less than 2 -ho fire barriers cons acted in accordance <br />with Section 707 or horizontal assemb 'es constructed in <br />accordance with ection 712, or both. <br />[F] 418.5 Nitr ellulose storage. Nitrocellu se storage shall <br />be located on detached pad or in a separate str ture or a room <br />enclosed wit no less than 2 -hour fire barriers onstructed in <br />accordance with Section 707 or horizontal ass blues con- <br />structed i accordance with Section 712, or both. <br />[F] 418. Finished products. Storage rooms for finis ed prod- <br />ucts th t are flammable or combustible liquids shall a sepa- <br />rated rom the processing area by not less than 2 -h ur fire <br />Barr ers constructed in accordance with Section 707 or ori- <br />zo al assemblies constructed in accordance with Section 12, <br />419.1 General. A live /work unit is a dwelling unit or sleeping <br />unit in which a significant portion of the space includes a non- <br />residential use that is operated by the tenant and shall comply <br />with Sections 419.1 through 419.8. <br />Exception: Dwelling or sleeping units that include an <br />office that is less than 10 percent of the area of the dwell- <br />ing unit shall not be classified as a live/work unit. <br />419.1.1 Limitations. The following shall apply to all <br />Eve/work areas: <br />1. The live /work unit is permitted to be a maximum of <br />3,000 square feet (279 mz); <br />2. The nonresidential area is permitted to be a maximum <br />50 percent of the area of each live /work unit; <br />3. The nonresidential area function shall be limited to <br />the first or main floor only of the live /work unit; and <br />4. A maximum of five nonresidential workers or <br />employees are allowed to occupy the nonresidential <br />area at any one time. <br />419.2 Occupancies. Live /work units shall be classified as a <br />Group R -2 occupancy. Separation requirements found in Sec- <br />tions 420 and 508 shall not apply within the live /work unit <br />when the live /work unit is in compliance with Section 419. <br />High - hazard and storage occupancies shall not be permitted in <br />a live /work unit. The aggregate area of storage in the nonresi- <br />dential portion of the live /work unit shall be limited to 10 per- <br />cent of the space dedicated to nonresidential activities. <br />419.3 Means of egress. Except as modified by this section, the <br />provisions for Group R -2 occupancies in Chapter 10 shall <br />apply to the entire live /work unit. <br />419.3.1 Egress capacity. The egress capacity for each ele- <br />ment of the live /work unit shall be based on the occupant <br />load for the function served in accordance with Table <br />1004.1.1. <br />419.3.2 Sliding doors. Where doors in a means of egress are <br />of the horizontal - sliding type, the force to slide the door to <br />its fully open position shall not exceed 50 pounds (220 N) <br />with a perpendicular force against the door of 50 pounds <br />(220 N). <br />419.3.3 Spiral stairways. Spiral stairways that conform to <br />the requirements of Section 1009.9 shall be permitted. <br />419.3.4 Locks. Egress doors shall be permitted to be locked <br />in accordance with Item 4 of Section 1008.1.9.3. <br />419.4 Vertical openings. Floor openings between floor levels <br />of a live /work unit are permitted without enclosure. <br />419.5 Fire protection. The live /work unit shall be provided <br />with a monitored fire alarm system where required by Section <br />907.2.9 and an automatic sprinkler system in accordance with <br />Section 903.2.8. <br />419.6 Structural. Floor loading for the areas within a <br />live /work unit shall be designed to conform to Table 1607.1 <br />based on the function within the space. <br />419.7 Accessibility. Accessibility shall be designed in accor- <br />dance with Chapter 11. <br />419.8 Ventilation. The applicable requirements of the Interna- <br />tional Mechanical Code shall apply to each area within the <br />live /work unit for the function within that space. <br />SECTION 420 <br />IPS 1 -1, R -1, R- <br />420.1 General. Occu cues in G ps I -1, R -1, R -2 and R -3 <br />shall comply with the prove ' of this section and other appli- <br />cable provisions of this c e. <br />420.2 Separation Is. Walls separatin elling units in the <br />same buildi , walls separating sleeping un' in the same <br />same <br />d walls separating dwelling or sleeping is from <br />oth occupancies contiguous to them in the same but <br />70 2012 NORTH CAROLINA BUILDING CODE <br />