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33 <br />1 Ashley Moncado said major home occupations will allow for up to 50 percent of the <br />2 residential dwelling to be used toward the home occupation and will allow up to 6 non - resident <br />3 employees on site. <br />4 She said accessory structures will be permitted up to 2500 square feet on tracts 5 to 10 <br />5 acres in size, and up to 3000 square feet on tracts 11 acres or more. <br />6 She said standards for the major home occupations will allow for 8 visitors at one time, <br />7 not exceeding 15 per day. <br />8 Ashley Moncado noted that the load capacity standard for vehicles will be changed to a <br />9 gross vehicle weight, and the revised standards will accommodate the use of standard and <br />10 larger sized pickup trucks. <br />11 <br />12 Andrea Rohrabacher arrived at 7:10 pm. <br />13 <br />14 Planning Board Chair Pete Hallenbeck invited questions from the Board. <br />15 <br />16 Commissioner Gordon asked where section 419 of the building code is located. <br />17 Ashley Moncado said the reference to this is located at the end of the amendment form. <br />18 Commissioner Gordon said she is looking for the actual section. <br />19 Ashley Moncado said this was not included. <br />20 (Michael Harvey made copies of the missing document and distributed this to the <br />21 Commissioners and the Planning Board.) <br />22 Commissioner Pelissier referred to the standards of evaluation on page 15. She noted <br />23 the uses not permitted and the wording in section B regarding the standards of evaluation. She <br />24 asked if it was possible for some of the non - permitted uses to actually meet the standards of <br />25 evaluation. <br />26 She cited the example of a plumber who once resided in her neighborhood, but was not <br />27 disruptive. She asked if standards of evaluation could be used, with no automatic non - permitted <br />28 uses. <br />29 Ashley Moncado said this was a topic at the last planning board meeting. She said this <br />30 language was in the UDO to prevent the possibility of a resident using their property as a main <br />31 center and having too much storage or warehousing on site, or creating increased traffic count. <br />32 She said the standards proposed tonight may be able to accommodate those uses and prevent <br />33 them from being unpermitted. She said this is a topic for further discussion. <br />34 Commissioner Rich thanked the planning department for the robust conversation. She <br />35 asked about the statement that prohibits the use of a home base for constructing or building <br />36 anything. She asked if constructing bookcases for a client in a garage shop would be <br />37 considered building something in a home based business. <br />38 Ashley Moncado said she did not believe this was prohibited in the UDO. She said there <br />39 were concerns for operating a building construction contracting business out of the home. She <br />40 said if someone came forward wanting to build furniture, this would be allowed if the resident <br />41 met the regulations and did not exceed outdoor storage space or other standards. <br />42 Commissioner Price referred to the chart on page 2. She noted that the second blue <br />43 box, under standards of evaluation says "body shop, hauling, and building." <br />44 Ashley Moncado said this is just a general comment as part of a summary chart to use in <br />45 referencing the amendments in attachment 2. <br />46 Commissioner Price asked if these standards are for the rural buffer or the rural area in <br />47 general. She said some of the standards are very restrictive and would not matter in a rural <br />48 area. She questioned whether this might hurt rural people, rather than help them in the effort to <br />49 open a home business. <br />