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K <br />Public Hearing <br />The proposed UDO amendment was heard at the November 25, 2013 Quarterly Public <br />Hearing. Comments received from the BOCC and Planning Board are included at the <br />end of Attachment 1. Additionally, an excerpt of draft minutes from this meeting are <br />provided in Attachment 4. No members of the public spoke on the proposed UDO <br />amendments and no substantive questions were asked. As detailed in Section B.1 of <br />Attachment 1, letters were mailed to residents who currently have a home occupation <br />permit in order to solicit feedback. Agenda packet materials from the hearing can be <br />accessed at the following link: 31125e.pd . <br />Attachment 1 contains additional information and analysis regarding the amendment. <br />Proposed text amendment language can be found in Attachment 2 within a "track <br />changes" format (red text for proposed additions and black 6tFikethrn„nh for proposed <br />deletions). Modifications made following the November Quarterly Public Hearing and <br />December 4 Planning Board meeting are denoted in green text. An excerpt of approved <br />minutes from the December 4 Planning Board meeting are contained in Attachment 5. <br />Finally, Attachment 3 contains a spreadsheet summarizing proposed revisions to <br />Sections 2.22, 5.3.4, and 5.5.3. <br />Procedural Information <br />In accordance with Section 2.8.8 of the. UDO, any evidence not presented at the public <br />hearing must be submitted in writing prior to the Planning Board's recommendation. <br />Additional oral evidence may be considered by the Planning Board only if it is for the <br />purpose of presenting information also submitted in writing. The public hearing is held <br />open to a date certain for the purpose of the BOCC receiving the Planning Board's <br />recommendation and any submitted written comments. <br />Planning Director's Recommendation <br />The Planning Director recommends approval of the proposed UDO amendments based <br />on the following: <br />i. The UDO amendments are consistent with the goals and policies of the adopted <br />2030 Comprehensive Plan. <br />Planning Board Recommendation <br />The Planning Board considered this item at its January 8, 2014 meeting and voted 7 -1 <br />to recommend approval of the UDO text amendment. An excerpt of draft minutes <br />from this meeting are included in Attachment 6. Agenda materials from this meeting <br />can be viewed at <br />http: / / /planning/ documents /1.8.14PBPacket- web, df. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: Consideration and approval will not create the need for <br />additional funding for the provision of County services. Costs for the required legal <br />advertisement will be paid from FY2013 -14 Departmental funds budgeted for this <br />purpose. Existing planning staff included in the Departmental staffing budget will <br />accomplish the work required to process this amendment. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends the Board: <br />1. Receive the Planning Board's recommendation; <br />2. Close the public hearing; and <br />3. Approve the Ordinance contained in Attachment 2. <br />