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3 <br /> contingency is recommended due to many unknowns associated with putting on an event of this <br /> sort for the first time. <br /> The revenues include a $25,000 proposed outlay from the County General Fund for the hiring of <br /> an events planner and advertising. Additional funding from the General Fund may be needed <br /> as a 'stop-loss' measure and a source for the contingency, if needed. Revenues also include a <br /> $10,000 contribution from the Chapel Hill/Orange County Visitors Bureau special event fund. <br /> This fund has supported several events in Orange County, including TerraVlTA, Hog Day, <br /> Carrboro Film Festival and others. The Bureau has $10,000 reserved for opportunity <br /> promotions and expects to contribute $10,000 to the County Fair, seed dollars that would go <br /> towards hiring the professional events planner to launch the Fair. <br /> From a tourism perspective, promoting Orange County's bounty through an annual food, <br /> heritage and music event, will help the County's brand and, accordingly, tourism numbers. At its <br /> November 20, 2013 board meeting, the Visitors Bureau board passed a motion to earmark <br /> funds, pending Board of County Commissioners' discussion and approval of the County fair. <br /> Upon approval, the Visitors Bureau will allocate funds from the current fiscal year. <br /> Some of the costs shown for the fair could be reduced or offset by volunteer assistance, in-kind <br /> services, or other revenues which are as yet unknown. Revenue estimates are not market- <br /> tested, and it is anticipated that the events planner would refine the revenue and cost figures as <br /> part of that work. <br /> Considerable advance planning will be needed to fully develop the fair concept. A County fair in <br /> spring 2015 would require funding in the FY 2014-15 fiscal year. The Board's charge to the <br /> Working Group included a self-sustaining model overtime, and if possible, from the outset. The <br /> proposed budget reflects this, and a multi-year budget could be developed by the events <br /> planner. <br /> Some minor improvements would be needed at Blackwood Farm Park for the county fair as <br /> proposed to occur in spring 2015, and while these improvements are consistent with the park <br /> master plan, the current FY 2013-18 Capital Investment Plan (CIP) does not include funding for <br /> these items until 2018. This includes drive apron and stone, stormwater measures, and <br /> electrical panel upgrades totaling an estimated $9,500. While it is anticipated that any water <br /> needs for fire purposes may be met by the existing pond, it is possible that further analysis may <br /> warrant the installation of a fire hydrant. This cost is not included at this time, based on <br /> discussions with the Fire Marshal to date. These capital funds that are needs for both the fair <br /> and park would need to be moved up to FY 2014-15 if the fair is pursued. The Board will be <br /> developing a new FY 2014-19 CIP this spring. <br /> An estimated 185 hours of staff time has been expended to date on this project. <br /> RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends that the Board receive and discuss <br /> information provided by the County Fair Working Group and either: <br /> 1. Direct staff to move forward with the creation of a County Fair for the Spring of 2015, <br /> include the County Fair in the Fiscal 2014/2015 Annual Budget, estimated to be between <br /> $187,380 and $243,594, and include improvements to the Blackwood Farm Project; or <br /> 2. Direct staff not to move forward with the County Fair Project. <br />